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I get ripped out of my thoughts as I hear glass breaking and loud curses.



Y/ns POV

I have turned around for just a few seconds to grab a bottle and suddenly there is loud noise of glass breaking and a painful hiss behind me.
I turn around to see Aarons holding his right hand, which is wet and a light shade of red.

The glass bottle in which the acid used to be, is broken on the floor.
„Aaron?!" I rush to him but he steps away from me.
„Wait don't touch it! I have it on my hand." He curses under his breath and steps away from the mess on the floor.
The teacher rushes to both of us, grabs Aarons hand and holds it under cold water.

„Does it burn?" Mr. Will looks at him and Aaron nods his head.
„A little.."
„And this is why you always need to watch what you are doing! If you want us to do more experiments in the future we need to have even more safety." Mr. Will shakes his head.

„You should go to the school nurse. This has to be treaded. Y/n please stay by his side."
I nod my head and quickly pull Aaron with me.

„He is being over dramatic." Aaron complains as we leave the classroom and walk along the hallways.
„Are you nuts? You literally got acid on your hand. Shut up and just let it be treated." I scoff making him let out a laugh.

„It's not that bad but I would still recommend to apply this cream on every morning for the next 4 days. It might sting a bit but only for a short time." the nurse smiles at Aaron as she hands him the cream.
Aaron thanks her and takes the cream. We leave the room and I look at Aaron with concerned eyes.
„Are you sure you're fine?"

Aaron gives me a reassuring smile as he nods his head.
A sigh leaves my lips as I cross my arms infront of my chest.
„That was really close. What if it went in your eyes?? You really need to be more careful."
I scold him like a little kid and he can't help but laugh.
„Y/n, it's what if it happened. But it didn't, I learned from my mistakes and it won't happen again."

I don't say anything to that and just keep staring at the dirty school floor as we keep walking, lost in my own thoughts.
„What? Were you THAT worried for me?" He playfully nudges me and I roll my eyes at him.
Of course I was, idiot.

„Aaron are you really fine now?" Zane hugs his best friend and Aaron rolls his eyes.
„I've told you dude, I am fine. Y'all really care too much" He laughs and lays down on my desk, his head inches away from me, who is sitting on my chair, doing homework.
„Aaron you are blocking my hand from writing."
I glare at him but he only smiles and looks away.

His hair looks so fluffy...
Without noticing, my hand slowly moves to his hair, my fingertips gently play with his curles until my hand fully starts playing with his hair. Aaron closes his eyes to that and enjoys the gentle touch on his head.
„Ahhh look at these two, get a room y'all" Kyra rolls her eyes.
Zanes eyes immediately turn to us, piercing into my hand which is still in Aarons hair.
Aaron seems distracted for a second, then quickly sits up, gives Zane a look and excuses himself to the bathroom.

„You made him shy Kyra" Nina laughs and sits next to me.
„ You really just did that hm?"
Kyra asks me and now sits at the place where Aaron was laying.
I don't answer but keep staring at my hand which touched his hair.
He enjoyed my touch, he even closed his eyes...
I smile to myself and take a deep breath to calm my rapidly beating heart.

„Y/n?" I hear my name being called so I turn to the side to see Zane looking at me. His eyes are holding emotions where I can't really tell which ones they are.
He sits right infront of me and his deep blue eyes burry into mine.
„Hm?" I look up at him and as he bites his lip nervously.

The others seem to not care about our conversation, they are talking loudly and laughing. And since the other students are doing the same our conversation is barely heard by anyone else but us.

„What's your type?"
I blink a few times and then burst out laughing.
„What do you mean??"Thinking it's a joke I keep laughing until I realize that he is looking at me with seriousness plastered on his face.
„Your type. As in like...do you even have a type?"
Come to think of it, i never really thought about that. I do have preferences, but I never really had a „look" that I'd really want to.
„Actually, no not really.."
I answer honestly.
„Really? Well...are you more into blond guys or..brunettes?"
I frown in confusion but keep answering, not thinking much about it.

„I don't have a preference in that, I like blond just as much as brunette." I smile as he nods.
„Do you like more of a lighter blond or maybe...a dirty blond like Aaron has?"
My eyes wide at that question. Does he know that I like Aaron???
I laugh awkwardly and look anywhere but him.
„What? No, no of course not. I am okay with any blond haha, but I mean dirty blond is as pretty as light blond."

Just as I say that, Aaron walks back in the classroom. He doesn't spare me a glance and sits back into his seat.
This guy really has some moodswings.

I roll my eyes as the teacher enters right after and Zane stands up, tells me we will talk later and goes back to his seat.
He suddenly whispers something to Aaron who seems to not have any reaction but stare at his desk and slowly nod his head.
What's wrong with him?

I shrug it off and decide to concentrate on the lesson.

„Thank you very much." I smile at the school librarian who hands me a chemistry book. I forgot mine at home and right now I have a free lesson so I wanted to study for the upcoming exam.
I walk to the place I usually sit at and stare out of the window.
Just a few minutes later after I took out all my stuff and finally wanted to start studying, another student enters the library.

Long dark brown hair, pretty vintage style and one ear piercing. His jawline is well defined  and his eyes are as dark as his hair. He walks with headphones inside, greets the librarian and sits 2 seats away from me.

I blink a few times as I notice myself staring and look back in my book.
„You're here to study?" I hear him say so I look at him.
„Are you talking to me?" i raise my eyebrows.
„To who else would I be talking to? Yes of course you." he rolls his eyes and I frown at his cockiness.
„Why else would I be here?" I shake my head and look back into my book, hearing no response.

„Do you perhaps have a pen? Mine just got empty." I sigh and take out a pen from my case, hand it to him and he smiles.

A while passes and he doesn't seem to try any more conversations.
And then, the bell rings. I sigh and start packing my stuff back into my bag and then look at that random guy.

He looks at me while holding my pen.
„Are you going to give that back to me?" I look at him with waiting eyes and he just simply smiles.
„Excuse me?"
„You're excused"
He starts walking away leaving me dumbfounded.

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