Chapter 2

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Takemichi woke up to the sound of dishes clanking and the smell of familiar cologne with a mix of sweat just beside her head. Her hands wandered the space beside her, trying to find another body. Feeling no-one beside her, she sat up, brows furrowed.

Her eyes were swollen from all the crying but she could feel her face devoid of tears or snot.


She called, voice raspy and low from having just woken up and crying. Of course there were no response. Takemichi clutched the aritcle of clothing which smelled of her boyfriend that she had woken up to.

It was his school jacket.

She belatedly checked if her bra was clipped on and was delighted when it wasn't. Good. That's good. She doesn't want to have any bodily complications even if it's just accessory glands.

She put on the school jacket and stood up, making her way to the kitchen.

"Tetta must have left after bringing me in...."

That's sweet of him...

"What's for dinner, mo- Tetta..?"

Takemichi stood frozen by the doorway. There was only Tetta there. No mom on sight. Just Kisaki Tetta.

"You're awake. Get changed baby, I'll finish soon."

"I- right... I'll be quick."

After a few minutes of rummaging through her closet, she went back down to the dinner table where the food lay steaming and freshly cooked. Tetta sat on the opposite chair where her father sits when he's home. He ate calmly and quietly and Takemichi felt a little awkward for staring at him relentlessly.

She turned away from his face.

She hasn't touched any of the food on the table yet.

"What's wrong, baby? You're not eating?"

Takemichi flinched, turning to face Tetta again. She forced a smile and she picked up her chopsticks.

"Thank you for the food."

Tetta kept his eyes on her, thinking deeply.

Perhaps I was too harsh with calling her by family name. She's becoming distant.

He thought this as he added dishes to Takemichi's bowl, steadily stacking it up into a small mountain of food. He fed a piece to her using his chopsticks before going back to his own meal.

If I stay for the night to accompany her, she should open up and close the distance between us again in just a few hours...

Tetta considered every option he had in mind before deciding that staying over is the best option in hand. Takemichi's mom won't be home in a few days anyway. He checked earlier and he knows every little change in her schedule. Her mom is important, after all.

Her everything is important.

"I thought you had things to do..."

She asked, low but warm. If it were a few more pitches lower, he wouldn't have heard anything at all. Tetta focused back to the task at hand. Eating a meal with his girlfriend and keeping her company.

"I cancelled my meeting with Hanma."

Tetta answered briefly and on point. At this point, his food was almost gone but Takemichi was only still halfway through hers.

"So it really was with Hanma... was it about the gang causing problems for Toman?"

Takemichi didn't seem to be interested in finishing her meal in favor of getting answers from her boyfriend. Tetta paused for a noticeable second before eating the last of his meal. Takemichi watched as her boyfriend expressed his gratitude for the meal. It takes Tetta a moment (and an eternity for Takemichi) before he finally answered rather than his usual sure tone in speaking, he sounded quite vague.

"Something like that..."

Takemichi paid it no mind, opening her mouth to eat from Tetta's chopsticks that held a piece of meat and a clump of rice. She chewed for quite a while, actually savoring the taste of food now. They repeated the same actions again and again as Takemichi thought of the last question she asked before she broke down.

Their conversation fell stagnant like water in a bucket, waiting to dry up from the heat.

"... is dinner your answer to my... third question? Is this you saying that you still wa- need me?"

Tetta looked into her eyes, determined, stubborn, hopeful.

It's beautiful.

She's beautiful.

He watched every little change in her expression as he rounded the table.




He could just hear her mind working.

Her hopes, her fears, her strength.


And Tetta loves it all.

He stops in front of her and he smiles softly. It was an act and they both knew it.

Because Kisaki Tetta only loves in one way.

Obssessively and selfishly.

Takemichi is fine with it. She was fine with it but it was never with her and she knows-

Kisaki Tetta only loves himself and they were but accessories to him.

She melts at feeling of warm hands caressing her face.

For a cold person, he had warm hands.

She places a hand over his, her smile shaky and unstable like her mind and sanity.

"Of course I need you, baby."

Lips met in a gentle kiss. A kiss filled with love from a lover.

And Takemichi fell deeper into the abyss that was Tetta's love and lies.

"I love you..."


Look what we have here? An update! And after a week or so saying that I'll update It started with a lie I updated here. I'm proud of myself. Well, I really will update soon. During holiday break.... probably.

So? So? Penny for your thoughts? Maybe a few 100,000 yen for them if you're a Kokonoi, hm? I think I did pretty well with this one... kinda. But well or not, I'm gonna hate this either way.

Stay safe, take care, and I hope you guys enjoyed it! Thanks for reading♡♡

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