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Takemichi yawned, turning to face Tetta. A smile graced her lips at the ache on her lower back. Surely, Tetta had fun last night. She reached out to hug him but was met with an empty space, cold and messy.

She frowned.


She called, sitting up to look around the bedroom. Nothing. The room was empty. She strained her ears to listen for any sign of life other than her. 


Takemichi sighed, picking up her underwear  and robe, she put them on as she walked out of the room. Maybe Tetta was outside in the kitchen, making a cup of coffee for himself. Maybe even cooking for them both.

The thought made her smile as she walked to the kitchen. But when she arrived, her smile lessened a bit. Chifuyu sat there coffee mug in hand and some freshly cooked yakisoba. Her mug sat on the dining table, coffee still steaming with heat.

"Good morning, baby."

Tetta smiled warmly. He's been genuinely warm lately. He must be reciprocating her love now. Finally, she was enough.

"Good morning, Micchan."

Chifuyu greeted, smile strained, looking more like a grimace than anything else.

"Did you sleep well? I cooked us breakfast."

Tetta approached her, opening his arms to her, embracing her. He kissed her softly, sweetly, and lovingly. It all seems so genuine and Takemichi feels high.

"I beat up, Kisaki. But before we continue, you should eat while we talk."

Chifuyu backed away slightly. He knows how she is when it comes to Kisaki. Aggressive to the point of obssession. He sighed in relief when Takemichi just sat there, unmoving.

"Do you like it? I'll cook you something else tomorrow of course. A better one than today for my baby."

Tetta asked, feeding her using his spoon. A spoon that he used to eat with. Takemichi dragged her tongue across the expanse of the spoon's head, slyly looking up at him.

"Kisaki was putting his plan of stopping Hina's wedding to action. You know, the plan I told you about last time. He was going to kill Hina's fiance and marry her."

Chifuyu finished his coffee first, setting down his mug on the table. His hands were sweating as he explained the situation. Saying that he beat up Kisaki was already nerve-wracking but explaining the situation to her is downright mortifying.

He looked at Takemichi's blank expression warily, waiting for her to cry or lash out or do anything at all. A blank Takemichi is never good.

She's a nightmare.

"I love you, baby."

Tetta held her hand lovingly, his thumb rubbed her hand as if to say 'I'm not lying'.

"Clearly, you were."

Her cold voice brought chills to Chifuyu's spine.


Takemichi stared coldly at Kisaki's bruised and bloody body, face devoid of affection or emotion. Her long black hair fell freely on her half naked body. The black of her underwears greatly contrasted her pale skin.

Cigarette in hand, she stood before him wearing nothing but her underwear and her open silk black robe. Breathing in a sinful amount of smoke, she sighed and tried to feel something for the man in front of her.

Baby, You Can Have The World Yet You Settle For Less || KisaTakeWhere stories live. Discover now