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Author's Note:

The context of this one is in my unpublished/currently-being-rewritten book, 'Blonde Ivory.' Basically this is a song written by the one of the four main characters, Zoya Levitsky, who performs in her school talent show with a girl she just met--her future bandmate, Bahini Russo--, and sings a song about her ex-boyfriend that dumped her after she had sex with him for the first time.


Zoya Levitsky

Bahini Russo 




How could I have been so stupid?

Bought into your lies

For the sake of a facade

We were always told we were well-suited

Now I don't know if I'll survive

How can you be so nonchalant?

You promised me forever

Said we were tethered

I even let you meet my sister

But none of that matters

Because you chose her.

I gave you everything.

Wasted all my time on a broken dream

Gave you all of me

While you were off cheating

Fuck, I just want to scream

And you don't even feel guilty!

You promised me we'd be together

That I was your most beautiful treasure

Always gave me your sweater

Now those are things you reserve for her

Put my heart in the shredder

You promised me we'd be lovers

but you made me feel like an outsider

I don't want to wonder

why I was the appetizer

and she gets to fill your hunger

When will I feel better?

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