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Fell in love with this girl
But didn't want to have sex
I wanted to hold her hand
And let her meet my band
I wanted the late night texts
And romantically rosy thoughts of her
Going around in my head
I wanted her in my bed
For all the things you wouldn't expect

Fell in love with this boy
Who filled my world with joy
And for once I didn't
Feel like a toy
For once I thought just maybe
For once I hoped my baby
Would love me for me
Would be okay with just a date
Would know that intimacy isn't a race

I'll get there one day
But please don't give me space
I want you in my atmosphere
Your touch isn't something I fear
I'll always want you near

People always want something from me
Something I cant give
Sex isn't the next big thing
The thought of holding you
Makes me wanna sing
Being naked with you
Wont even sting

But sex is a dream
It isn't real to me
I don't want it
I want you
It doesn't matter
to me
It's nothing
to me

I'll get there one day
But please don't give me space
I want you in my atmosphere
Your touch isn't something I fear
I'll always want you near

I'm not scared of it
I just don't care about it
Thinking about it
Always makes me sick

But it's not you
It has nothing to do with you
You're so cool
And maybe I'm a fool
You're everything I've been looking for
I'm sorry if this makes me a bore

But I want to give you
Everything and more
As long as you don't force me
To open that door

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