Happy Father's Day (Erasermic) ❤️

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Ship: Shota Aizawa x Hizashi Yamada (Erasermic)

Summary: Aizawa and Yamada are woken up on Saturday morning to a Father's Day surprise from their two children Shinso and Eri, breakfast in bed!

This chapter will include: Dadzawa (but you probably guessed that already from the title)

(3rd Person P.O.V)

"Sho? Hey Sho, wake up."

Aizawa's eyes opened reluctantly and he was met with the sight of his husband sitting up next to him in bed, looking down at him and smiling.

"Oh good, you're awake."

Aizawa groaned sleepily, "Ugh... What day is it?"

Yamada was confused by this question, "It's Saturday, why?"

Aizawa stared up at his husband silently, trying to process this information for a moment. He frowned and shot a death glare at Yamada.

"You woke me up early on a weekend?!"

Yamada held up his hands in surrender, "H-hey, calm down Sho! I'm sorry I woke you up! But there's a good reason for it, I promise!"

Aizawa narrowed his eyes and waited for Yamada to explain himself. Rather than say anything to him, Yamada turned to face the door to their bedroom and shouted in that direction.

"Okay, he's awake! Come on in!"

The door to Aizawa and Yamada's bedroom opened and two people walked in. The first was Hitoshi Shinso who was followed shortly by Eri, carrying a tray of food carefully as she walked. Aizawa sat up to get a better look at them, his sleep clouded mind struggling to understand what his kids were doing in his room. Once Eri and Shinso were standing beside the bed, Shinso took the tray of food and set it down on Aizawa's lap.

"Happy Father's day!" Eri exclaimed happily, "Hitoshi and I made breakfast for you! He helped me pour the pancake batter!"

Shinso nodded, "That's right. Happy Father's day to both of you."

Aizawa looked down at the food in front of him. There were two plates on the tray, both with three pancakes prepared with butter and syrup, bacon, and a few strawberries. Next to each plate was a glass of orange juice, silverware and napkins with one small glass vase containing a few white flowers sitting between the two plates. Aizawa turned his attention back to Eri and Shinso, who were looking back at him in excited anticipation for his response. Before Aizawa could say anything, Yamada hugged him out of nowhere.

"That's so sweet! Aren't our kids the best Sho?!" Yamada said, on the verge of crying happy tears.

Aizawa, who's attention had been drawing abruptly to Yamada after the sudden hug, looked back over at his children and smiled a little.

"Yeah, they are. Thank you two very much, this was a nice surprise."

Shinso smiled back, "Glad you think so. It was Eri's idea."

Eri nodded eagerly, "Yeah! Hitoshi suggested the flowers though!"

Shinso laughed and patted his little sister on the head. Yamada abruptly let go of Aizawa and hopped out of bed. He ran over to Shinso and Eri, picking them up off the ground and hugging them.

"Thank you guys!" He said.

Eri laughed while Shinso looked back at Yamada, startled.

"Uh, yeah... You're welcome dad. Can you put me down now?"

Yamada nodded and set Shinso and Eri down before picking Eri back up and spinning her in a circle. The little girl erupted in laughter.

"Not in the house Mic, you'll break something," Aizawa scolded.

"No I won't, I'll be super careful!" Yamada argued, "And don't use my hero name outside of work!"

Aizawa smirked, "I can call you whatever I want, Present Mic."

Yamada held Eri as he started fake crying, "Eri, your dad is being mean!"

"It's okay," Eri patted Yamada on the head and pointed at Aizawa, "That was mean! Say you're sorry!"

Aizawa was surprised by how quickly Eri took his husband's side. He looked at Yamada only for Yamada to glance back over at him and smirk. Aizawa glared at the blonde haired man.

Using my own daughter against me is a dirty move, Zashi, Aizawa thought.

All the same, Aizawa sighed and gave in to Eri's demands.

"Okay, I'm sorry Mi- Hizashi."

Yamada immediately stopped pretending to be upset, "Apology accepted! Now let's eat and then we can do fun father's day things!"

Aizawa raised an eyebrow at his enthusiastic partner, "Like what?"

Yamada set Eri down and fell silent. He stared at Aizawa blankly for a moment before he spoke again.

"... I don't know. Whatever people do on father's day, I guess!"

Aizawa sighed and put a hand on his forehead, "I'm too tired for this. But thank you for breakfast you two, we really appreciate it."

Eri beamed, "You're welcome dad!"

Shinso nodded to Aizawa and took Eri's hand, leading her out of the room, "Come on Eri, let's let them eat while we have our breakfast."

Eri nodded happily and followed her older brother out of the room. Yamada returned to his side of the bed down and sat next to Aizawa. He kissed Aizawa on the cheek, which made Aizawa smile a little.

"Our kids really are the best, huh?"

Aizawa nodded, "Other than making you wake me up early, yes they are."

Yamada chuckled, "Hey, look at it this way! If we eat and then go do stuff with the kids for fathers day this morning, I'm sure you'll have time for an afternoon nap! Deal?"

Aizawa looked from his husband down to the tray of food in his lap. He imagined Shinso and Eri in the kitchen, Eri standing on their bathroom stool so she could reach the stove top as Shinso helped her flip the pancakes, carefully making sure she didn't accidentally burn herself. That image of his kids made him smile again. Those two definitely were the sweetest.

He looked back over at Yamada, who was looking back at him expectantly with his normal goofy grin on his face. Aizawa felt a familiar warmth in his chest, the same warmth he felt on the day Yamada proposed to him six years ago. His small smile only grew and he gave his gorgeous husband a quick kiss on the lips, grateful to have such a perfect family.


Hello everyone! This is shorter than my usual chapters and it was admittedly pretty light on the shipping in favor of cute family stuff, but I think it turned out pretty good regardless!

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter in this book! I have a chapter about Thirteen currently in progress. I have no idea when it will be done yet, but that will probably be the next chapter I publish, so look forward to that! See you then!


Word count: 1121

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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