Chapter 7 Y'all Ready for the Octrain!?

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Somewhere in the abandoned city of ruins, stood Team RWBY & APEX out in there hidden camp. Yang being the first one awake after finishing her stretches, ready to call out for Weiss turn. Only to notice Ruby, Octane Nor Y/n no where in sight.

Yang: "Hey.. where are the others?" Revnant apparently must've not been sleeping, seeing as he only awaken from her question. Having him punch the wall to alert the rest. Of course, now rudely awake, slowly started to get up with Dr Oobleck popping from the floor above with a running Zwei now at the middle.

Yang: "Zwei?" She heard him whimper, kneeling down as Blake was concerned.

Blake: "What's going on?" When Revenant got up, it didn't take two together to realize somethings missing.

Revenant: "Where the hell is Y/n and Silva? I'm pretty damn sure they would be here with this damn mutt. ." Zwei whimpers, his head down having Revenant walk up to the dog.

Giving a harsh stomp, he grabbed the dog by its collar & gave it face to face of death. "WHAT DID YOUR STUPID ASS DO TO MAKE THEM LOST?!" Bellowing at the dog, Yang swiped Zwei away as she held him closely.

"Dude what the hell?! It's just a dog!" Yang stated, only for Revenant to snarl. "Yeah and I'm making bets that damn dog here did something that cause the others to follow this mutt, which got em lost SOMEWHERE!" Revenant was clearly agitated & angry, having Blake try to step in & handle the monster.

Holding her hands up, "Look, Rev you need to take a breath & relax. Yes you're a robot, but just calm down in SOME way, yelling at Zwei ain't gonna help us possibly track where they may be." Revenant had a hateful glare, only to look seemingly neutral as he crossed his arms.

Somewhere else, the hole lead down, deep beneath the city of ruins, only revealing it in a massive area of another ruined city. Long Abandoned, the rubble & buildings were everywhere as Ruby laid on the cold concrete. Her eyes flickered, groaning a bit as she slowly sits up. Confused, no one was around. . Octane, Y/n. . She was worried, instantly hopping to her feet & surveying the area.

Unfortunately, she was at some small roof as she leaned over the ledge, staring off at the ruined city with no one in sight. Anxious, Ruby tried to shout out for them.

"Y/n!! Octane!! Where are you?!" Calling for their names, a mistake it was as sudden light appeared behind her. Turned, she was met with white fangs aiming their guns.


"Where did she come from?"

There was only two, yet Ruby was disarmed as her weapon was nowhere in sight. Stepping back, she halts as she can feel no extra room left to move around due to falling at her death off the building, letting the white fang close in.

"You're a long way from home, little girl. ." Soon as one of the guards grabbed Ruby, she swung her arm back.

"Hey, hands off!" Sending a punch at the fangs chest, he stared before simply sucker punching, resulting in a knock out.

Looking back at his partner, nodding. "Dude what the fuck?"


"You hit a little girl.

"Okay. And?"

"You could've been a bigger man and just grabbed to drag."

"Shut up & help me drag her yuh moron." The white gang just rolled his eyes beneath the mask, assisting his partner to drag Ruby out back somewhere else.

Out somewhere within the ruined City, Y/n is seen currently laying on top of some rubble as a stream of light shined down at him, faintly high. After a few moments, he whirred go life as his screen shines, showing confusion. Sitting, jerking up he looked around until he felt his rifle beside him a bit dirty, grabbing & holding it close.

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