Chapter 4 Food wars to Investigations!

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Authors note
As usual, another day, another long ass time to update a fucking chapter. I'm glad to still be alive, but not sure on the other parts...anyway, busy busy, school exists BUT I did well on my exams so that's something of a plus. That's all really so..start the chapter

Y/n P O V
I've been in my room, simply coloring on a note book. It was a big googly eye blue furry monster that loves cookies! I believe Octane told me his name was "Cookie monster" which is strange, because it isn't a giant cookie nor a monster! Just a fluffy blue thing! Anyway, Rampart kicks the door open with Octane pushing some stuff.

Rampart: "Hey mates! Looks like I got enrolled to be your 4th member, so know what that means?" Instantly, I hopped up in joy with my fist in the hand.

Y/n: "We get to participate in the tournament! Go Team APEX!" Clapping my hands together, riled up. Rampart smiled, having a golf clap.

Rampart: "Hah, dope. Anyway, soooo the sucky part, we have classes huh?" Octane fell on his bed laying around in boredom.

Octavio: "Yup...that's the shitty part, the boredom, of CLASSES!!!" He shouted with drama, groaning in defeat.

Revenant: "Hey, battle class is the only time I get to beat someone into a pulp? Then so be it, I'll take that whatever." He calmly spoke, reading a book titled "500 ways to murder your victim and hide them."

Y/n: "Say friends, I wondered..what would happen when the time comes and we run out of ammo?" Octane perked his head up, looking at me then cursed himself.

Octavio: "Ughh! Mierda! I forgot to actually think of that! Revenant, do you think we got enough ammunition?" He grabbed the ammo bags, checking through each of the types then sighed a little.

Revenant: "Well, considering if we stay here and are stuck forever? We are gonna be forced to eventually use that weird shit dust this world has to make ourselves some ammo. Unless wrench girl decides we should use it." He points at Rampart, who was thinking until she started to gain a smirk.

Rampart: "Actually, believe I got an idea for that mates, I've been working on something before I finally came here. Should definitely help our ammo problem alright." We stared at her, in curiosity from what she meant.

Rampart: "I call it...the replicator! When season 6 has started, I managed to make something during the apex games called replicators, basically they are machine that require scrap or whatever kind of metal junk we can use to make or upgrade anything! Make some weapons, get some ammo, upgrade shields much more! I'll get it here in our room soon." She explained, showing a proud pose making Octane excited.

Octavio: "Ha Ha! No more losing my grenades now, gracias chica!" He thanked her, giving him a nod until popping her bubble gum.

Rampart: "There's just a teensy tiny problem we got..." tilting my head, she continues.

Rampart: "We need to go to a junk yard, the replicator can make a lot of things but we need some scrap metal or whatever kind of useless junk that's metal to make those kind of things. They come a price, we gotta pay for it." Silva instantly fell on his bed, rolling n groaning.

Silva: "Ughhhhhhhhhhh.......Do we have to?" He asked, Rampart sighed nodding.

Rampart: "Cmon mates, let's go turn crap into gold! Besides, it's not like it'll take THAT long or have any problems now, right?"

A door was kicked open, showing a Pathfinder carrying a leg less Octane on a piggy back ride, whose carrying his own prosthetic legs. Rampart trying to drag in a few heavy bags of scrap, with Revenant easily dragging in tons of bags of even more scrap.

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