to the man in the park.

10 1 0

you can probably guess what this is about, stay strong

by, me

Doctor says, startle response?

I jump out of my skin so often, I'm surprised I still have skin left.


Doctor says, intrusive thoughts about the past?

Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of 2019.


Doctor says, nightmares?

If my dreams had a director, it would be the devil


Doctor says, do you avoid things that trigger you?

I have to. when people start to whistle I start to tremble, I'm scared to go back to that park, scared he will be there waiting for me.


Doctor says, how do you cope?

By making fun of myself, obviously. Is it working?


Doctor says, anything else I need to know?

ya, I wouldn't go back and change it though, I learned and lived, ya I'm different, I'm not scared to stand up for myself and others now. I don't want it to happen to anyone else but sadly it's a part of our society, and we must surpass and overcome.

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