Chapter 3 : is this really him...?

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^ play at the :D


I couldn't stop thinking about him last night.


The guy that I had genuine interest in,
That I'll probably never see again.

Damn it.

And what was with the "You'll have to find me" crap?

Is he really that popular?
Does he think he's that popular?

Yeah right.
Probably just annoying me or something.

Or maybe he is like the others...

Maybe not having a smile was just him not caring anymore.
Maybe he's just showing his true colours instead of covering it with a bright yellow mask like others.
Maybe he's really just a jerk like the next guy.
Maybe I didn't catch that when we were talking.
Maybe I just got excited.
Maybe I'm just holding onto a thread of the last hope I have left and stringing it around this random stranger I knew for 5 minutes.


I truly am a pathetic being, huh?

Maybe I'm just hopeless.

<3 <3 <3

I woke up to two buzzes from my phone.

That's weird.
That never happens.
Who could've possibly messaged me?

You know what,
It's probably just notifications from my apps.
That damn green bird has been on my back lately about
'Not keeping up with your lessons'

Shut up.

I threw my legs out of my bed and looked out my window to see the gloomy midday sky.
My favourite kind of day.
The ones where the bright blue skies are covered by dark grey clouds,
Not heavy with water enough to start rainy,
But enough to ruin a normal person's day.

Oh the way the weather sympathizes with me sometimes...

I drag my feet to my washroom and wash my face.
I don't even bother getting dressed today,
Nor do I most days,
Regardless of whether or not I'm going out.

I plop back onto my bed,
Plug in my headphones,
Grab back my sketchbook from my bag,
And start drawing out what I feel,
What I hear,
What I think.

He's pricking my mind again but I swerve around the thought,
Not letting him get to me again.

Why should I?
He's just like any other person,
"nothing special."
Like he said.
Nothing special.

My dumb ass ended up drawing him anyways.
Stupid Y/n.

Oh well,
Nothing I can do about it now.

I sign the drawing,
Take a quick picture on my phone,
And upload it to Instagram,
Along with the other drawing of him that was ripped out of my sketchbook.

Once uploaded,
I check the time.

~ 4:37 pm ~

When did that happen?
Why is it so late?

I mean,
I guess I did sleep in,
But how late?
And how long did I take to draw this guy again?

I hope not long.
He isn't worth my time,
No matter if he's actually taking my time or just crowding my thoughts.

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