Chapter 1

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Road to Mystic Falls, Virginia
Scott's POV

With how my senior year began, I should have known that it would get worse.

Maybe if I had, my friends and I wouldn't have had to go through what we went through, we wouldn't be as divided as we were.

My long term friendship with Stiles was ruined probably beyond repair after he attacked me at the hospital when I went to check on him and his dad after bringing a catatonic Lydia there with Parrish, blaming me for not being there to save his dad.

And when I told Stiles that Sheriff Stilinski wasn't the only one who got hurt, and he saw my blood-stained shirt, his response hit me hard.

"Oh, you'll heal," Stiles had carelessly said in response.

Like I didn't DIE from the wound that was still bleeding and not healing at all.

It was at that moment that the doubts I had about the story Theo told me about how Stiles killed Donovan disappeared because I could see the person Theo described, although I had hoped that Theo lied to further push Stiles and me apart.

My mom had said that even though leaders didn't think they had anything left to give, they could still give hope, but with Stiles' response to my attempt at giving him some hope in the form of my support despite the pain I was going through, I had no hope left to give, not after the night I had.

When we spoke at the Clinic, I advised Stiles to not concern himself with anything we were dealing with and to speak with his dad.

I wasn't turning my back on him when I said that, I thought that he needed to speak with Sheriff Stilinski, the person he killed another person for because I knew that he was the best person for Stiles to speak with about what he did since I spoke with my dad about the subject of taking a life.

I hadn't been referring to only me when I told Stiles that his dad wasn't the only one that got hurt, so I elaborated on that and informed him that Lydia was hurt too, and she was at the hospital before I decided to leave, symbolically turning my back on him while he processed the news.

After Liam tried to kill me, Theo did kill me and Stiles attacked me in the same manner as Liam, I was done.

No matter how much I wanted to believe Liam tried to kill me because of the super-moon, I knew that the moon only amplified emotions we already felt and Liam said it himself, it wasn't the moon, he wanted to kill me.

Liam Dunbar, the boy that I saved and took under my wing, wanted to kill me because I refused to save Hayden, his first love, with the Bite, the Bite that I knew would do more harm than good from experience.

I understood Liam, why he tried to kill me.

For him, it was an 'alternative' to saving Hayden, but I vividly remembered that the Bite didn't mix well with other substances, I personally tested the theory on Gerard after all, and he was still confined to a wheelchair surrounded by toilet paper soaked in black goo coming from every single one of his orifice and in excruciating body ache.

Yes, I tested the theory with mountain ash, but we didn't know what the Dread Doctors filled chimaeras bodies with, and I couldn't let history repeat itself, Derek's heartbreaking experience with asking an Alpha to give his girlfriend the Bite without her consent didn't need a sequel, it was one of the reasons why I tried to sacrifice my Alpha spark to save Allison instead of giving her the Bite.

Allison died, anyway, but at least she wasn't in excruciating pain and I didn't have to mercy kill her like Derek had to mercy kill Paige, although I carried the same guilt.

I didn't know what was said between Malia and Stiles, but it seemed their last conversation hit Malia very hard and with our failure to prevent the Dread Doctors from killing more people, she couldn't take it anymore, so she officially left our broken pack when I went to check on her.

I thought that I caught Braeden's scent while I was at Malia's home, but my abilities were failing me after I died and my mom resurrected me.

Thankfully, Satomi agreed to mind-meld with Lydia and repair the damage Theo caused as a 'thank you' to us for helping her pack during the Dead-pool killings.

Speaking of Lydia...

"It's time to change the dressing," She informed me entering a gas station.

"How's your neck and fingers?" I asked while mentally preparing myself for the dress changing.

"Far better than your wound," She replied parking the car  Derek borrowed us, his Cameron. "Shirt up."

Lydia instructed while getting out the first aid kit along with a bowl, a clean washcloth and water.

I followed her instruction, opened the shotgun door and waited for her to get to my side.

"You're healing," Lydia noted once she removed the old dressing.

"Yeah, but at a slow rate."

"You spent a week not healing, Scott. This is a win. If you keep healing at this rate your wound will be fully healed within the week."

I had Satomi to thank for that since she took some of my pain before we left Beacon Hills and shared a trade secret to control my healing process and speed it up; a process that included anger, willpower (what should have been obvious since I used it to ascend to True Alpha-hood) and how to use them to my advantage as an Alpha.

"I've been trying to speed up the process to heal before we reach the boarding school," I confessed, hence I had been thinking of Liam's attempt at killing me, Theo's manipulations and success at killing me and Stiles' unwarranted attack on me.

I used the anger I got from those thoughts to fuel my healing process and kept a calm exterior by thinking about Kira and how I should have told her the truth about how I really saw her fox spirit and supported her instead of distrusting her.

I should have at least reached out to Mrs Yukimura when I first noticed the abnormality of Kira's fox spirit, but I didn't.

Why? I couldn't say.

What I could say was that I put her life in danger, and she wasn't the only one I wronged.

I also wronged Corey by violating him, in the same manner, Peter once violated me, only instead of giving Corey horrifying memories, I violated his psychological privacy in the worst way.

And that was not forgetting how I used Hayden as bait.

I really hit rock bottom in the last few weeks and in doing, so I finally understood some of Derek's and Peter's actions among others including Kate, Matt, Aiden, Ethan and Deucalion and Miss Blake's actions.

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