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"So where are we going?" I said dumb founded face.



"I don't know" he said grinning

As he start walking I follow him behind still wondered 'where the fck is he going' .

I just look around and didn't ask a single question to a tall nishinoya he suddenly stop and I bumped on his back

"erk!...." I plopped and pinching my nose because his back kinda hurts i looked at our front and saw an arcade store my eyes sparkles.

"you want to come here right?" he said smirking

I watched the arcade and I saw people I thought there's a bunch of people inside the arcade but there's few not to many my eyes sparkle harder because of Happiness.

I played to many games still my eyes sparkle until I saw that tall nishinoya smoking

"Eww" I said in disgust. I really dont like those people who smoke especially the scent of cigarette is smells bad ugh. I walk over at him and said

"Hey tall nishinoya! could you stop smoking because smoking can cause your lungs aching and there's a possibility that you will having a lung cancer"



"well I don't mind having a lung cancer"

I just stood there still thinking that did he really say that.

"btw my name is hanma and not tall nishinoya, who the fck is nishinoya?" he said looking at your form

"Ahh that's the anime I watched days ago, I called you that because you have a same hairstyle but nishinoya is more have cooler hairstyle" I replied while looking for something to play in the arcade


"Uh my name is (Y/N) (L/N) call me by my last name cause where not that to close to each other" I said smiling

Suddenly I saw a gojo satoru plushie inside of claw machine I come to that machine and planning to take that gojo plushie, I dropped my token at the machine to start I controlled the joy stick left and right to move the crane I pressed the button to grab the plushie and throw it out until the plushie fell on the crane and I didn’t get it

"WHAT!!?" I really fell disappointed

I repeated over and over again my plan is to consume all my tokens just for that, my face is reddening because of anger, I want to push the machine hard to make the plushie fall until I didn't realized that I have running out of token.


I already out of a stick of my cigarette and I saw that short girl who was mad at the machine I went next to her and I looked at what she was playing.

She look at me tears on her eyes

I laugh at her reaction she looks like a child not getting what she wanted like a spoiled brat

"THE FUCK ARE YOU LAUGHING!?" she said while she takes the token from his pocket

"that's the last one?" I ask

"Yeah so I better get that plushie" she reply

She start controlling the joystick again and I go to the back of the machine and push the machine hard to make the plushie fall at the exit of the machine

"H-Hey what are you doing?"she said

"watch and learn" I said grinning

Until the bunch of plushie inside start to move to the exit of the machine...


"Thank you so much! " she said while holding a plushing and smiling widely.

"Hehe" I replied grinning


As we walked without knowing where to go. I saw a child playing with a cat until the cat ran down to the road suddenly I saw the car speeding up into the road

"Ah shit this is bad" I whispered

I ran over speed into the road.

"Huh?" hanma looked at my direction running to the road.

Until the car stopped I went to the cat and picked it up I saw the child coming towards me I'm standing at the front of the car and the driver of the car came out.

"Hey brat! The heck are you doing I'm late at my date!" the man yells

"Excuse me sir! You almost hit the cat!" I yelled back

"So? I don't care, now get out of my way!" Said the driver as he was getting back in his car "And you should be in school now"

I returned the cat to the child and told him to be careful on the road and he bow at me and thanked me while running home.

"Hey, where school you from? I will report you to your principal" said the man while holding his phone

I looked at the man scared because it's my first time having a record at the pricipal in our school.

Until hanma went to the back of the man's car "Hey old man is this your car?" hanma ask him the man looked at his direction confused, 
"looks lame and cheap" hanma grin and scratch the side of the car using a stone, the man rage in anger "WHAT THE FUCK, YOU KIDS!" the man's said coming at hanma direction

Hanma running towards me. "Run" he said and he grab my hands I was shocked at his sudden move until we both ran fast as we can, the man also want to catches us but he can't.

"Loser can't even catch us!" hanma yells while laughing I look at him and I made a small smile
Until we both laugh


We both exhausted running minutes ago and we catches our breath.

"That was so amazing!" I said still catching my breath

"hehhh, I don't know your a fast runner" he spoke

"well I used to run all day long when I was a kid" I replied

'well my foot hurts because I haven't done this in  whole summer I just eating, sleeping and do my household that's all but surprisingly I don't weight ' I thought

"Ohh, so how about today?" he ask like he start teasing

"Well" I said don't know what to reply "AHH ITS GOING TO LATE WE SHOULD GO HOME NOW!" I said changing the subject.

Hanma recognized the sudden change of topic but he just ignored it and he made a chuckles

You two start to walk filled with silent you two didn't think to say something because the silents was comfortable


Until I saw the way home "So I'm just up to here" I said as hanma look at my form "It's not nice meeting you" I said grinning

"Likewise" he replied jokingly

As we started separating our way.

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