✩Fallen Angel (PT2)✩

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(AU: Techno is an assassin, Phil is a king, Wilbur and Tommy are the princes)

Quietly, he waited, moving his weight from one leg, to the other, and then back again. For some strange reason, Techno always waited until his victims invited him in, rather than breaking in and assassinating them.

So here was, glancing from the door knob to the door frame.

Whilst he stood there enthralled and seemingly oblivious to his surroundings, a small blonde boy opened the door.

"Hello? Who are you?" He smiled up at the immortal with a complete lack of fear in his voice.

"Tommy! What did we say about opening the door to strangers!" Another strange figure shouted, she was the first hybrid he'd seen around these parts.

"Not to do it.." Tommy pouted crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry sir, do pardon the prince, he's an absolute rascal" A small chuckle escaped the ender's lips. "Are you here to see the king traveller?"

Techno inspected the maid's face for a second. He couldn't tell what exactly she was, she seemed of ender descent, having bright purple eyes and characteristically dark purple skin. Yet upon her back lay too large scaly wings and between her legs a similarly scaly tail flicked side to side. She stared at his nose (clearly wanting to not agitate herself from her ender instincts) and tilted her head slightly, waiting for an answer.

Was she maybe an ender dragon hybrid rather than a usual ender folk hybrid?

"Do I not need to request an audience with the king?" He said, pulling himself from his trance and messing his hair up slightly (just enough to cover his eyes so he could make eye contact with the strange woman).

A soft smile graced her lips as she picked up the prince and held him to her hip, "The king said that citizens shouldn't be denied the right to share their opinion with the kingdom, so if you ask for an audience with him, he will provide it without thought"

.... Was this really the man he was killing? A seemingly kind ruler, who cared about his subject's opinions and a father..?

"Then may I request an audience ma'am?" Bowing slightly, he pushed his sword hilt to his right (making it much harder too unsheath quickly) too show he intended no harm.

She laughed again, "You're quite polite sir, please, come in. He'll be with you in a moment"

And with that, the strange ender span on her heel and left, tail dragging behind her. Tommy, who was now looking directly at the blood god, smiled again widely and waved.

He couldn't stop the small smile that made it too his own face. How blissfully ignorant children were, so innocent to the outside world. Waving back, he was approached by another hybrid and led to the dining room. Or, what he assumed was the dining room.

The amount of hybrids in this castle came as a surprise to the anarchist. Usually, kingdoms cast out hybrids. Calling them spawns of the devil, harbingers of death (especially winged folk). It was refreshing too see others like himself, especially in such high spirits.

Taking a seat, he quietly continued to wait for the King's arrival.

"Excuse me sir, who are you?" A small voice came from behind him, quiet vwoops underlayed the person's speech.

Techno span in his seat, too see a small child. He inspected him for a moment, and then realised. The two women he had seen, this must have been there child.

The boy had traits from both maids, Techno wasn't a hundred percent sure how that worked biologically, and was seemingly just as curious as the prince was.

"Im Technoblade, but you can just call me Techno. And who do I have the pleasure off meeting?" He smiled, after all the years of being feared and shunned, he forgot what it was like to be look at as an equal. As a person.

A giggle came from the ender boy as his tail flicked against the ground, "I'm ranboo! My mums and I ran away and now we live with here with my best friends! Actually, have you seen toms? We were meant to play with his brother but I lost them.."

He was taken aback by how open the child was, "Your mum's the lady with the wings and tail right?"

"Yeah!" Ranboo said, nodding happily.

"Her and the prince have gone to find the king for me. You can wait here until she comes back if you wa-"

"Ranboo! come here sweetie!" The goat woman ran in. "I'm so sorry mr blood god, I apologise for my son. He's just.. very friendly" She laughed rubbing the back off her neck.

"So you know who I am?" He said, confused as too why she knew of him yet.. didn't seem too be scared in the slightest. She wasn't dragging her son away with a panicked cry, instead she was smiling and laughing.

"Of course, but I don't fear you sir. You're just a piglin hybrid who's good at fighting and assassinating at the end of the day. I know when you meet Mr Minecraft your mission shall change.. At least I hope sir." Her eyebrows furrowed as she rubbed Ranboo's shoulder with her thumb.

"... Ma'am I'll keep an open mind.. That's all I can promise"

"That's all I can really ask of you. My name's Yuko.. And yours is sir?" Techno was slightly taken aback by the sheer casualness.. Today seemed to be filled with new experiences.. Finally, for the first time. in thousands of years of his so called 'career', people we're actually treating him as he was. Just a guy. Someone trying to make the world better.

".. Technoblade. Pleasure too meet you Yuko" This was the most he'd smiled in years and he was relishing in the feeling.

As he shook Yuko's hand, the ender woman, the Prince, another young boy and a man with black wings entered the room. His wings seemed similar to that of a crow or a raven. They dragged behind, carefully lay under a cape, almost looking as if they were part of it.

The winged man looked up at him, making eye contact, and suddenly his face was a conflict of emotions.

"Galyna.. Please take my boys and ranboo out.. Yuko you may leave if you want" A smiled made his way too his face as teared pricked his eyes.. He seemed.. Sad yet calm.

Ranboo waved to the assassin, "Goodbye mr techno! Goodbye mr minecraft!"

The young enderian smiled as he wrapped his arms around the elytrians leg.. The man (who Techno had now realised was most likely the king) picked up Ranboo, hugging him tightly and resting his forehead to the child's, before placing him gently back down.

"C'mon ranboob! Lets go find Tubbzo!" The Prince ran away, hand in hand with the hybrid, as Galyna followed closely behind.

"Dad.. You're not.. Please don't.." The other child glanced at his father before looking towards the immortal infront of them.

"Please.. We can explain! The townsfolk they.. they d-dislike the hybrids! Dad's an amazing king.. He's not a tyrant p-"

"Wilbur it's fine.. Its gonna be alright.. If this is my time.. then so be it. Go be with your brother.. Go give your son a hug for me.. alright? You don't need to be sad that well.. it may end for me" The king interrupted his son, thumbing the tears away as the teen clung to his arms like a toddler.

"Be happy that it happened.. okay? Now go with Yuko.." The brunette went to interrupt however, instead decided to bury his face into the King's chest.

Techno didn't know how to feel.. In all honesty he felt slightly akward but also.. incredibly angry.

People had prayed for his assistance.. Taken advantage of his help.. Taken advantage of his kindness.. He had came here quickly due to the severity of the claims that were screamed by the voices.. When in reality, the people were just selfish..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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