Cullenburke's Dare

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Dare: I dare foxy to act like he is in the wild.

Me: Awsome dare! Now lets get to it...FOXY!!
Foxy: wat do ya want??*looks at dare* da heck?
Me: Sorry foxy but u have ta. ;)
Foxy: Fine but can I go ta an actual forest?
Me:  no u have ta stay. Go crazy w/ something or ill make ya go crazy  with somethin u hate.
Foxy: Don't u dare!*runs screaming but at the same time going crazy*
Me: that went well thou he took up my time. Well thats all folks bye my little teddy bears PEACE OUT!
So sorry if that is too short I ran out of ideas for this chapter, but I'll see u all next time!

Were here for dares!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz