Cullenburke's Dare #2

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Dare: I dare freddy to switch golden carl and see if CHICA notices.
Btw the cupcakes name is carl so don't argue that it's not his name.

Me: Ok that's a really good dare I know chica loves her pizza and carl. PHANTOM FREDDY! Come here.
Ph.Freddy: Is it a dare fr meh?
Icey:*comes in randomly* yes I saw the dare. (Look at the bottom for Icey's info.)
Ph.Freddy:*looks at dare* this will be awsome!
Ph.Chica:*face appears on game screen while waiting for the security guard to look at the screen*
Ph.Freddy:*snatches the golden carl off the desk and replaces it with chicken legs*
Security guard:*looks at the freddy game screen and sees chica* WTF?!?!?!?!?!?
Ph.Chica:*starts to do jumpscare and sees the chicken legs* Wait golden carl is supposed to be there?? Dafuq is goin on?!?!?
Ph.Freddy:*starts to snicker*
Ph.Chica: U little teddy bear I'm gonna kill u!
*Ph.Chica and Ph.Freddy start to fight*
Me: Stop fighting it was just a dare phantom chica calm or ill kidnap you!
Ph.Chica: Never!*runs away*
Me: ughh thats over well I'll see u all next time bye my little teddy bears PEACE OUT!
Icey is one of my oc's so don't forget to dare and all my teddy bears can dare him too. Icey is an animatronic coyote,Ice blue fur on his muzzle,hands,belly,feet,and the top of his tail,he has sky blue eyes.

Were here for dares!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora