Another A/N

49 4 12

Hi yea another one srry bout that but I'm glad all my followers care for me as I said in the chapter before I probably won't be able to update soon I but I will try to update with my bad elbow, well not elbow, but my neighbors dog,His name is fred, bit me close to my elbow and I am afraid that if I don't move my arm will stiffen up and if I try to move it I will be in a world of pain so I hope this clears up overnight if it doesn't,I'm not trying to be a downer, then I don't know. Wish me some luck, but send me some awsome dares in comments plz, and I will see you all in the next chapter bye my little teddy bears PEACE OUT!
The picture above is from dlive and his friend(forget his name sowwy).

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