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Claire POV

I don't think I could honestly do this job. If I didn't sign that st you'd contact I would be gone.

After I made their needs I go to my room and shut my door. They can call if they need me.

I sit down on my bed and take a deep breath which turns into a sigh.

"Whats wrong Claire Bear?"

I jump up at the voice. And the nickname. Whet?

A/n: its about to go to zero to a hundred.

"Um nothing Mr Aspin and Mr Maxon. Do you need me to do something for you?"

"Claire just call us by our names no Mr."Mr-- Maxon said

"What's wrong Claire. Please tell us." Aspin says walking toward me.

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong" I say standing still.

"Tell me now!" He says as Maxon walks up next to him. That's when I noticed that they were still shirtless.

Dear God.

"Um. I just don't think they this is the job for me. A-and I know that the contact says two years. But I don't want to spend two years of my life clean after somebody." I say not looking at them afraid of what they are going to say.

Nothing is said for a short period of time. Then they sigh.

"Claire bear look at me."Maxon says in a stern voice.

I slowly look up at him.

"You don't need to clean but you can cook for us. Does that sounds better?"

I nod slowly.

Then he gets hesitant.

"Mr Maxon... I mean Maxon what's wrong?"

"Well theirs something that we wanted to try but we are afraid that you won't like it." He whispers.

"Well whatever it is it can't be bad right?" I say.

"Of course"Maxon says walking behind me and Aspin getting closer in front.

"W-what is it that you wanted to do?" I ask looking up at Aspin.

He tilts my head up a little but off to the side.

Before I knew it his lips were on mine. So warm and soft. My lips feel on fire and my stomachs in knots.

I gasp when I feel another pair of lips on my neck. Gently leaving kisses a long my neck. Aspin kisses me harder and Maxon stars to suck.

My legs feel as if their going to give out. But as if on cue a pair of hands grab on to my waist.

Wait! What the heel am I doing? These are my bosses I can't do this!

I hurry and slip out of their grasp. I run out of the room and in to one of the guest rooms. I hurry and shut the door.

I sit on the bed. My bosses kissed me. Like a actual kiss. They wanted to... But what if I let it happen. All of the things they would of doing to me. The way they would touch me. Two times better then any women would ever get.


But just thinking about it makes me wet. A slight thought comes across my mind. I use to do this all the time in high school to just to relive some of the pressure that was put on me by thinking these thoughts.

I stand up and make sure that the for is locked. I go back and sit on the bed and raise my skirt up enough to stick my hand in my underwear. My cold fingers sending shock through my body. All I could think about was Aspin and Maxon.

Maxon pov.

"Shit!" I yell out. "We messed up Aspin. I just couldn't wait any longer."

"It's okay. It's my fault also. We were so far then we just took five steps back."

"No it's not okay. I don't just want her! I need her!" I say running out of the room.

"No wait!"Aspin calls after me.

Then I hear singing that surprises me.


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