bonding time

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Requested by Ryutodark

Ritchie's pov

It's been a while since I've hung out with Oakley, but since I got my brother back, new guild and members, and lots of paperwork I don't have much time.

oakley's pov

ever since I got back to my real family (dad) we don't spend a lot of time, I mean I do understand he is a guild leader and has a lot of paperwork... wait maybe we can hang out today but he has worked... "ugh!" I said a little too loud maybe it's not a good day to do it today. 

Brandon's pov

Ever since brother got Oakley back he doesn't spend much time with him... ill change that today, they need to bond. I walked up to our shared office to see if Ritchie was and sure enough, he was there working. "hey brother I know you have been working and not spending time with Oakley" I said walking in the room "mhm" he said still doing work not looking up " well I think you should you bond with him today and don't worry about your paperwork Lucas can do them" I said waiting for his reaction. He looked up surprised " really!?" he said getting up, "yes now go," I said smiling a little. He got up and hugged me and said "thank you much brother" and with that, he was gone... " welp time to do work, LUCAS!! COME HERE!!" I said now going to sit down.

Oakley's pov

I was over by the garden looking at the flowers, but then I heard footsteps behind me it was sir Ritchie, "oh there you are!" he said walking up to me "so my brother talked to me and said I'm dismissed for today to bond with you" he said stopping in front of me "w-wait really!?" I said getting up "yup now where do you want to go" he said smiling  "oh can we go to the flower shop to get more seeds?" I while walking out of the gates." mhm sure I don't see why not" sir Ritchie said.

(The rest of the story will be Ritchie's pov and a bit of time skip)

Ritchie's pov

after we ate some dinner we started to head back to the guild hail "hey dad?" "yes Oakley?" thank you for today it means a lot to me" I smiled "no problem kid," I said ruffling his hair. "let's go back home... race you there!" I said using my magic "hey that's no fair your cheating!" he said trying to catch up "hehe I win, " I said looking at him "well only because you used your magic," he said pouting a little we both just laugh while waiting for the bout.



Happy Thanksgiving every one sorry I've not upload I've been busy with school and staying up which is bad for me, yes I know be eh hope you liked the story also please leave some story ideas thanks

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