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Used this for inspiration when I was writing Krel's DJ scene. I think that DJ Snake is amazing at what he does, and I hope my writing is sufficient for writing just a basic DJ scene (to write one with a professional is WAY beyond my skill level at this moment in time.)


Zephyr was surprisingly well-knowledged in caring for magically spent Ventils. Or perhaps not too surprising, considering how she and Insanity came together. She left glowing runes the color of clouds floating around me as I readied myself, healing mantras that pulsed as they pumped magic back into my body. She insisted I sit as the others brushed my hair and preened the feathers of my wings, grooming them until they practically shone.

Ela took the time to personally style my hair, braiding flowers and other types of flora into my hair to form a natural flower crown around the back of my head, leaving the other half of my hair free to flow down my hair in elegant waves. Insanity took the time to color my nails with some of the "nail polish" Claire had lent to us before they had left; my delicate claws were now the color of fresh-fallen snow, and were filed down to neat little almond shapes.

Now, I just had to let Cephas and Aquarius fuss over what I was going to wear...


I stood outside the doors to the gymnasium with baited breath, watching the dance through the small windows in the doors. Everything was awash in colorful lights that stood out immensely against the dark, cavernous room; it quite reminded me of my den, with magical runes carved into the walls that glowed as you walked past them.

Ela squeezed one of my bare shoulders, exposed to the cool air of the school hallways and making me shudder. Relax, Eclipse said, more gentle than any time I had heard her speak before. This is a night for celebration. You are finally free. I took a deep breath, relaxing before spreading my wings and sending the doors flying open with a burst of magic.

Instantly, the music (which had been a dull thrum while the doors were closed), screeched to a halt. A quick glance around the room gave me insight to what this 'hawaiian' theme entailed; tall, skinny trees with wide leaves leaned against the walls and were attached to the stage by some strange power. Garlands of flowers hung around people's necks, and some of the girls had tropical-looking flowers in their hair.

People gasped as they looked on at me (provided with a personal spotlight with the help of a little spell), and my ensemble of Ventils in all sorts of human clothing. Except, of course, me.

Clothing that was practically painted on my skin barely covered my body, looking like black paint had been smeared over my chest, lower arms and legs. They looked as if something with large claws had dipped its paws in ink and had traced them over my body. My friends were in awe with their mouths hanging open, and Krel's eyes looked like they were about to pop right out of his head. And, grinning, with a snap of my fingers, my outfit began to glow.

Flashing from black to bright magenta, the paint burst into a cloud of magical dust of the same color. Gasps of awe from the crowd arose as the dust swirled and formed magical butterflies that landed on my skin and melted into each other to form a new, more traditional outfit for human dances.

Magic butterflies became silky purple satin, thin straps laying on my slim shoulders that connected to a heart-shaped top with a flaring skirt of the same color that reached to my knees, all adorned with glowing butterflies whose wings seemed to flutter with every sway of the skirt or movement as I made my way to my friends.

We gained many strange and awe-filled looks as we passed the students by; Cephas especially drew many stares in his ball gown, to which he responded with an ear-to-ear smile and a bleat-like laugh. I grinned as I took Krel's hand in mine, and he startled as his eyes traced over me. "So..." I asked quietly, interlacing our fingers. "What do you think?"

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