Lead into the central living area of the human's den, I was immediately surrounded by a pair of fully-grown humans. "Ooh, looks like Miss Sleepyhead is finally awake," one laughed, this one a male.

He had piercing blue eyes and wore transparent shields with thick, dark frames over them. He was wearing beige chest and leg coverings, with a strange, red, neck guard.

"Hahahaha! Oh, she's prettier than a flower in the middle of May," the other human cackled, this one a female. She had golden hair like Steve, the cretinous buffoon, but it was very long and swept up onto her head, and she had bright blue eyes instead of brown ones.

She also was wearing a white chest covering, connecting to a skirt of the same color, with a black stripe around her midsection and neck, with red flowers of some kind printed all over her clothes.

Aieee, Cephas shrieked. It's a dememted human! Run! Well, he didn't have to tell me twice. Hissing and backing up rapidly, I hit a solid rock wall after a few steps. Looking up, it was only Aaarrrgghh!!!'s broad chest. He smiled down at me, and I gave a nervous chuckle back.

"Ricky, Lucy, this is Lunalis," Krel said, gently taking my elbow and leading me away from the huge troll. "She'll be staying with us for a while. Lunalis, these are my...er, parents, Ricky and Lucy Blank."

"Howdy-doo, Looney-Tune, or whatever your name was," Ricky said, popping up on my right and grabbing my left hand, shaking it violently. "It's so nice to finally have a woman in the house again," Lucy smiled, taking my opposite hand and standing next to Ricky.

"N-n-nice t-to me-e-e-t y-you," I said, vibrating from the crazy pumping of my hands. Withdrawing from their grip before I suffered permanent brain damage, I back away from the woman, Lucy, who was giving me an eerie stare and crazed grin. I kept backing up until I ran into Krel, and knocked us both onto the floor.

"Aw, looks like our little baby boy has a girlfriend," Lucy cooed, pinching Krel's cheek with a pale hand. "She is not my girlfriend," Krel snapped, swatting her away. I rolled away from him before she could do the same to me.

"Aww, it's okay to be a little bashful, son," Ricky said, popping up on one side of him. "Yeah. It's not every day a pretty face waltzes into your life," Lucy cackled.

"Can we please get on with our plan," Archie said, shooing away the Blanks with a column of flame. "Yeah, let's go, Lulu," the round one, Toby, grinned, grabbing my hand with his. "Umm," he paused, "Do you mind if I call you Lulu?"

"Not unless you mind having all of your atoms imploded," I said, yanking my hand out of his. "Okay, noted."
"Does L work," the female named Claire asked. "Lunalis is a bit of a mouthful to say."
"If you have to call me that," I sighed. "What do you want to do with me anyways?"

"If you're going to be staying with us, we can't leave you alone when we're at school," Douxie explained to me. I tensed as he put a hand on my shoulder. He bore a freakishly similar resemblance to Ramos, save his eyes, which were a golden color, much like the shapeshifter, Archie's. I had only focused on him when he was first introducing himself, and it was then I noticed the connection.

"So, what does that mean," I asked, removing his hand from my shoulder. "It means we've got to teach you to act like a human," Archie smiled, and I dreaded what the knowing smile on his face meant.

"Okay, first things first," Jim said, stepping down into a lower area of the den, which was surrounded by plants in pots and huge, burgundy rectangles that were raised a good foot, at least, off the floor.

Tentatively, I stepped down among the rectangles, but stumbled when Toby bumped into me. I fell face-first into the rectangles, and expected my face to be horribly smashed and disfigured. Instead, I was surprised by how spongey and comfortable the rectangles were.

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