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After going back to my locker and shoving my history homework away, I trudged into the gym, trying to act normal.

Lunalis' eyes doubled in size at seeing the size of the gym. "It's huge," she gasped in awe, eyes shining. "Even the Arenam isn't this big."
"Arenam," I asked, confused.
"It's where Ventils looking to challenge the Alpha fight," she explained. "Weapons aren't allowed, and neither is magic. You're only allowed to use your potestatem and brute strength."

"What about potatoes," Toby asked, coming up behind us, already changed for Gym. Red shorts, white tank top and a band around his forehead. "What happened to your clothes," Lunalis asked.

"It's gym class," I explained. "You change into certain clothes for this class only."
"Um, because we have to. Coach Lawrence says to, so we have to."

"Who's Coach Lawrence?"
"A gorilla who learned how to talk," Jim said, walking over to us. "Shouldn't you change, Krel?"
"Well, yes," I said. "But I can't leave Lunalis alone."

"Why can't I just come with you," she asked.
"Um," we all hummed in unison, scratching our heads and trying to formulate an answer. "Because it's boys only in the boy's room," Douxie said, walking over and coming to our rescue. "Same thing with girls."

"Oh," she said, probably wondering why there were separate rooms for boys and girls. "But I don't have gym clothes."
"Then I guess you just get to wear normal stuff," Toby said, bending over to touch his toes.

"Hey! Newbie," Coach Lawrence yelled, gesturing to Lunalis with a beefy arm. We both walked over, Lunalis holding her head high and shoulders back. "Tarron, get to warming up. I need to have a little chat with this little lady here."

Lunalis bristled at being called a little lady. "But, Coach, I-"
"I said now!" I opened my mouth to protest again when Coach blew on his whistle and pointed. Hesitantly, I walked away.

I sat down on the bleachers near Jim, who was tying his shoes. Toby was jogging in place, and Steve was shooting basketballs into the net. Claire was sitting higher on the bleachers near Darci and Mary, who were chatting and laughing about something.

"Hey, where's Lunalis," Jim asked me once he was finished tying his shoes. "Coach Lawrence decided to have a word with her," I replied, pointing to where he was. Lunalis had her arms crossed and, even with her back turned to me I could tell she wasn't very pleased.

"Douxie, do you know what potato salad is," I asked, standing and stretching my arms.
"It's an absolutely nasty creation made in the last century," he shuddered, grabbing his foot and pulling it behind him to stretch his quad muscles.

"Actually, I think Krel means to ask what potestatum means," Archie corrected him, shining his glasses with a paw. "I overheard your conversation with Lunalis," he explained at my bewildered look. "Potestatem are the animal side to Ventils. The abilities they have that make them the creatures they are. Wolves have incredible tracking abilities, and see in the dark. Cats can also see in the dark, and lengthen their fingernails to become claws.

Snakes, depending on where they come from, can have a venomous bite or kiss that can paralyze prey...or kill it. Sometimes, even just locking eyes with them can be deadly. Spiders can shoot webbing from their mouths or hands, and-"

"Wait, Ventils can be part spider," Jim asked, and he shuddered. "That sounds fake."
"Oh, I can assure you, they are perfectly real," Archie said. "You can ask Lunalis if you like," he gestured to where she had been standing next to Coach Lawrence moments before.

"She's not there," Toby said. Jim and I both shot onto our feet.
"Where could she have gone," I asked, panic rising into my voice.
"How did we lose a teenage girl in one day," Jim groaned, slapping his forehead with an open palm.
"Oh no," Toby said, face flushed and sweating.

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