Kissy kissy

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Unfinished Drabble

They kissed for a long time. Shy hands daring not to stray, Kiku's on Alfred's shoulders, Alfred's cupping Kiku's face, fingers in his dark hair.
They had developed a soft and rhythmic pattern. Alfred taking the lead and then Kiku, a gentle push and a tug in return.
Alfred felt like his lips were bruised, and swollen, kiku's felt equally raw as the continued to press together.
Kiku dug his fingernails gently into Alfred's skin as he gained momentum, pushing against Alfred's jaw with his. He found leverage by taking Alfred's bottom lip between his teeth, and biting down ever so softly. Alfred's breath hitched as he did, which made Kiku's insides swirl with delight, he kept the blond man pinned, forcing Alfred to lean back. Alfred shifted at the movement, and his left hand trailed and found its place at Kiku's waist. Alfred paused from the kiss, as if he was waiting for Kiku to pull back, allowing him space to consent to the movement. Kiku read his mind and hummed into Alfred's mouth as he deepened the kiss, pushing him further back.

"Lay down for me?" Kiku asked gently, his breath spent. He opened his eyes to meet Alfred's, half lidded and content. His skin was flushed red. He laid across the sofa. Kiku met him as he settled and re-established their kiss, moving as he did to prop himself over the blond. Knees planted at the latter's waist.

After a while, Alfred mumbled, "Wanna switch?"
They opened their eyes to meet eachother and Kiku smirked playfully, taking Alfred by the collar and pulling him forward as he laid himself back on the opposite side of the sofa, allowing space for Alfred to hover above him on all fours.

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