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Drabble! Domestic

The pair were huddled up into a corner of their low sectional couch, Alfred's arm across the armrest and the other around Kiku's shoulders. Kiku nestled as close as he possibly could to Alfred.

Only twenty minutes in sleep threatened to overcome him, and pressed up against Alfred's chest and thighs wasn't the worst place to be either. His cotton shirt was soft and thin, Kiku could feel Al's muscles stretch and contract as he breathed. The movement gentle, and smooth.
He sighed gently, closing his eyes and letting himself melt into Alfred's form.

Alfred glanced down at the small noise, and was completely enamored. Curled up beside him was his boy, his Kiku, half asleep and completely content. He looked down upon him warmly, and planted a soft kiss on his head.

Kiku shuddered under the touch, a smile creeping over his lips. He pushed himself farther onto Alfred's torso, and let Alfred's breathing draw him into sleep.

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