Chapter 33: lunch

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1:05 pm

I got to the restaurant a couple minutes late, but it didn't really matter.

I walked in the place and looked around for a few moments before I spotted Clay.

As I walked over to the table I felt quite overdressed for the place I was in. But upon seeing Clay, I didn't feel as bad since he was also overdressed for the type of place we were at.

I sat down in the seat across from him since he was just at a table for two.

When he heard me pulling out the chair he set his phone down and looked up at, a soft smile replacing the neutral look that was on his face.

He's been smily like this a lot lately... something feels kinda... off about it.

No. Briar, no. Stop. Don't even question it. You know you'll just start spiraling, and we cannot have that happen right now.

I snapped out of my thoughts quickly before I began overthinking the whole scenario.

I sat down in the chair with a smile gracing my face as well.

"Hi Briar," Clay said to me just as I sat.

"Hi Clay. How are you?" I responded.

"I'm pretty good at the moment, you?"

"I'm actually doing quite well today. It's refreshing," I laughed a bit as I finished my sentence.

"That's good to hear," Clay said moving his gaze from me to his hands where he was fidgeting with his fingers.

"Is everything alright?" I asked with a bit of concern sensing his nervousness.

"Oh um, yeah. Just nervous, haha." Nervous laughter.

"What about?" I questioned trying to keep my voice calm, nervousness beginning to grow within me just by seeing Clay's nervousness.

"Nothing big honestly. I've just got a question I need to ask you."

"What is it?"

"Ok, well... umm... so, would you like- could we um- could we consider- could we consider this a date? It's totally okay if you don't want to- I just- I just kinda- yeah..." he rushed out his last sentence.

I was shocked. Truth be told, I'd been thinking about the way I feel towards Clay for awhile, I've just been afraid to admit it to myself.

I have feelings for Clay. In more than a friend type of way...

This was honestly the last thing I was expecting, to be honest I was expecting it at all, but this probably the best outcome.

"I- I understand if you don't want to, I- I just thought–"

"Oh no, of course I would! I would love to! I- I mean... Yeah, sure. I'd like that," I corrected myself seeing as I sounded a bit over excited about the idea when I first responded.

A smile replaced the look of slight worry on Clay's face as he responded to me, "Okay, cool."

"Yeah, cool. Well um... we should both probably figure out what we're gonna order before we get distracted with conversation."

"Yeah, you're right," he said with a breath of laughter at the end.

So that is what we did. First our waitress came and took our drink orders. She seemed to be about our age and was very kind and respectful. The both of us decided to get water. And about five minutes later she came back out with our drinks and took our orders. Clay got a steak, and I just decided to get a salad.

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