Chapter 36: bf and gf

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this chapter does include some potentially triggering topics such as hinting at s3lf-h4rm, and an eating disorder. i will put warnings before and after those part(s) as this chapter is still extremely important to the plot.

7:33 pm

I let the phone ring for a few moments before I picked up the call.

"Hi Briar!" I was greeted with Clay's cheery voice as soon as I picked up.

"Hi, how're you?"

"I'm good! I have a question for you. I wanted to ask if I could come of to ask you my more important question in-person."

"Umm... yeah, sure. I'm not doing anything right now."

"Okay, great! I'll be over in like 15? Does that work?"

"Yup, and it gives me a bit to clean up the place."

"Alright, see ya soon!"

And with those words he hung up.

⚠️⚠️tw start⚠️⚠️

The first thing I did was run to the bathroom to empty the trashcan from the bloodied tissues and bandage wrappers.

I then made sure the rest of my bathroom showed no signs of such actions, as well as making sure if smelled fresh seeing as I also had been throwing up most of my meals. My eating-disorder that I was once in recovery from now beginning to return.

⚠️⚠️tw end⚠️⚠️

Once the bathroom was all cleaned up and I'd checked all other parts of my apartment that he may go in that they showed no signs of what I'd been doing, I proceeded to just tidy up.

Such as cleaning the kitchen counters, picking up pillows in the living room, and actually making my bed for the first time in weeks.

And just moments after I sat down on my couch, a familiar knocking pattern sounded from my door.

"Coming!" I yelled as I made my way over to the door.

"Damn girl, I just arrived. You're already cumming?" Clay said as soon as I opening the door.

"Oh my fucking god you idiot. I hate you so much."

"Well clearly you don't if you've just let me into your home."

"Yeah, sure buddy. Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Ouch. Buddy-zoned. That's the complete opposite of what I was trying to achieve with this trip."

"Oh yeah? Really? Then what exactly were you trying to achieve?"

""I was hoping this would be a lot smoother and more romantic, but I was wondering if you'd want to be my girlfriend? Or partner, whichever you prefer. If you say yes that is."

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend!" I exclaimed from joy as I engulfed him in as large of a hug my smaller frame could manage.
"Or partner, I don't know. I'll have to think about it," I said with my face buried in the fabric of his t-shirt on his shoulder, my voice most-likely sounding muffled.

"Okay, Briar- A bit too tight- The hug I mean-"

"I have no words. I did not need clarification. I am dirty-minded, but it seems you are much worse than me," I said releasing him from my grasp.

"Okay, well, if I'm honest that's all I had to say. Well, ask I guess is what I should say."

"Since you're already here do you want to watch a movie or something so that you didn't just come for like five minutes?"

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