
19 1 0

Human AU
Boss/Intern dynamic
First time
CW: Public-ish sex. No voyeurs.
CEO!Kiku Intern!Alfred

Weird shift from calling Kiku 'Kiku' and Mr. Honda/Honda

The elevator door finally arrived and opened with a 'ding!'. And the air of awkwardness lifted slightly. Alfred stepped in the elevator to press the 'Hold door' button. Then he stood and judged the interior of the elevator with his hands on his hips, his gaze drifting back and forth between the elevator and the carts of boxes.

"This should fit both of the carts just fine." he said with such level of assurance that Mr. Honda was inclined to believe him.

"It's almost 1:50. Let's hurry." He said.

Alfred hit the 'hold door' button again, just for good measure, and stepped out of the elevator just far enough to grab the first cart by the handle, and pull it in after him. The boxes on the cart wobbled slightly, and Mr. Honda stepped into the elevator just as Alfred caught one in his arms.

"Whew. That was close." He balanced the box in his arms, and placed it back on the cart. "Now, if you would please grab the second cart and pull it in behind you."

"Maybe I should wait and take the next one... " Mr. Honda said. Uncharacteristic in his unease.

"What?" Alfred replied. Not interpreting the logistics of the situation. "We have to get this downstairs ASAP right? We'll be fine. Here-- i'll stand in the back, and you pull in that last cart behind you."

Mr. Honda, too stressed to argue, turned around and neatly pulled the cart into the elevator. Alfred smacked the button for the 11th floor, and Kiku pulled the cart in just as the doors were closing. Hurrah! Everything had fit in the elevator as perfectly as Alfred had speculated. 

... Except them.

"Uh Alfred-" Mr. Honda started, but the elevator doors had closed.

"Yeah?" Alfred replied.

" ... Nevermind," Mr. Honda replied, They were backed up against the far elevator door, Honda's back to Alfred's chest. A sliver of an inch separating them. He could feel Alfred's breath on the back of his head and could smell his cologne. The heat of his body behind him sent shivering shocks up Honda's spine.
As he spoke the elevator jolted, and he felt his shoulder blades brush up against Alfred's chest. He gulped.

Oh my god...

"Sorry," he said in a small, awkward voice.

"It's fine, we're uh- A little tight, um, in here." Said Alfred, who seemed to be realizing his mistake.

They stood in awkward silence as the Elevator quickly zipped from floor to floor. Honda tried to hold his breath and prayed that this would be over soon. He could hear Alfred's shaky breathing, he could feel his chest rise and fall. He watched as the elevator panel counted down the numbers, and a cold sweat took hold of his body.

When they neared floor 38, the elevator slowed, and jolted to another halt.
Alfred had to brace the stacks of boxes with his left arm, and his right on Kiku's shoulder. Again, Alfred's chest hit his spine. Mr. Honda repressed a shudder, he felt a blush creep into his ears. The elevator door opened with a rumble to reveal a pair of employees waiting. They raised their eyebrows in mild surprise.

"Uh. Sorry. Take the next one!" Alfred apologized, his hand still steadied on Honda's shoulder. The pair gave him a nod and they waited a few seconds for the doors to close again. Alfred noticed his hand lingering and quickly slid it off.
The doors closed again, and the sudden jolt of the elevator's descent shook the cabin yet again. The telltale collision of their bodies reoccurred. Alfred's left arm remained raised to hold up the stacks of boxes on their left. And his right hand returned to Honda's shoulder, steadying them both. Honda was sure he was red in the face.

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