Fanfiction 3 (Albedo)

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Continuation of Fanfiction 2

Life in Fontaine was much more fun than I thought it would be. There I worked as a waitress or a barmaid in a bustling restaurant. The people there were nice to me as I moved in. The rumors of Fontaine being more advance than the rest seems likely to be true as each day passes by here.

Today, another beautiful day in Fontaine. Taking in the scenery, culture and art from the things around me, I get ready for work. I took a shower, changed my outfit. I ate some breakfast and went to work. Luckily the start of work isn't as busy so I was just cleaning counters and table tops.

"Hey" My coworker named Julius tapped my shoulder. "Hey, you came early" I said in a surprise. "Thought more reason to help around 'yknow" He shrugged. I'm not an idiot, I can tell he has a crush on me with the way he acted. "Thanks for the help Julius" I smiled at him, and as usual he blushed at it. The bustling of the restaurant started once the bell jingled signalling a customer came in.

Night came easily and I was cleaning up the bar. The door bell jingles once again and I looked up to see who came, my stood frozen there for a bit. It was Albedo. I turned around and pretended not to see him. He was quickly guided by another coworker of mine in which I'm thankful for and I went to the back, in the employee area, to calm down my nerves.

It will be alright, I told myself. Once I regained calmness over myself I went back out and continued cleaning the bar. One thing I couldn't help but do is sneak glances at him. I can't deny it, he really was pretty. In the end I just sighed to myself. Julius came up to me and leaned against the bar. "So I was thinking.." He started. "Mhmm" I hummed in response as I was cleaning a glass. "Would you like to go on a date?" He asked me.


"You know a date"

"I know what you said, I was just.. Surprised that's all" I said in return, my face heating up.

Yes, I have done it but I have never went on a proper date before. As I stood there thinking, I couldn't help but feel some eyes on me. I looked to where I was sensing them and they were from Albedo. He seemed shocked and had dropped his utensil. I took a deep breath and exhaled. "Sure I'd like to go on a date with you" I answered.
Julius' face lit up and grabbed my hand. "I swear you won't regret it" He said to me and walked off.

I sighed once again, and noticed someone sitting on the chair in front of me. Albedo.

"What was that?" He asked me.

"I got asked to a date" I said nonchalantly, even though I'm screaming inside.

"I know, it just didn't seem like you to accept it" He clenched his fist.

I only shook my head in return and placed a drink in front of him. "Well I guess there are some things you don't know from the little time we had together" I said and continued cleaning the bar till my shift was over.

Days later, it was our break. Albedo kept coming to the restaurant before that though. Keenly observing me and Julius. Especially Julius. I don't know what's up with him, we're not a thing, I'm not even sure if we're friends. I sat in the meeting spot me and Julius had planned and waited. I came a few minutes early so I took out my book and started reading.

Minutes later, Julius arrived on the exact time we had planned. I chuckled at his seriousness about this date. He took me to a bookstore first, an odd choice of a first place to go to on a date but he knows I like reading so we bought a couple of books. Afterwards, he took me to a spot with a beautiful scenery. It left me in awe as Julius thought we could have a little drawing time at the place.

And we ended the date at a restaurant. Him having to leave a bit early due to his sister expecting him to come home a bit earlier. It was a fun date, I walked down to a pub later on though to grab a drink. Someone took the seat beside me and I immediately recognized his blonde hair and unique crystal blue eyes. "So how was it?" He started. "How was what?" I asked in return.

"The date, I mean" He added.

"The date went quite better than expected"

"So you're gonna go on another one?"


I took a sip of my drink and sneaked a glance at him. He ordered water. As expected. I looked back down at my glass and swiveled my glass a bit. "So how are you and Sucrose" I asked. His face flushed at my question but answered nonetheless, "We're doing fine". "That's good" I smiled thinking about how happy they could be, how happy Albedo would be, without me.

I don't know how it happened once again, but I ended up spending the night with him. In the morning I stayed curled up in bed pretending to be asleep as he changed and left my apartment. It was a true mistake this time, he was in a relationship and I don't want to be the other person. I stayed in bed that day, crying to myself.

The next day was work, something I have been dreading since yesterday. The walk there seemed slow to me and when I arrived the blonde boy was already there having breakfast. I went to the workers area and tried to calm myself down once again. For this time of day I was on sweeping duty, so I grabbed the broom and went back to the main area to sweep there.

When he finished, he payed and left quietly. Not even sneaking a glance at me. I don't know if I should be thankful or be sad about it. I'm such an idiot, he's already in a relationship, that was a mistake between us. I avoided Julius during at work that day. My usual walks around the area, I had to get some supplies for the restaurant time to time and I would see Albedo, buying stuff and going to the alchemy area afterwards. Very straight forward about his work but to his feelings, he still seems to be confused by a lot.

Then the fateful day came by, where he had to leave and go back to Mondstadt. He came to me on the bar and told me he was leaving that night. Offered to take me home to have a little chat before he did. I took up his offer, wondering what he has to say. That night, it was raining once again, its amusing to see how the weather knows what to go as. We both took different umbrellas on the walk there. "Once again, I'm sorry. I know that sorry won't make up for the things I've done along with playing with your feelings" he said and I tensed by the topic that was given.

The inevitable. "It's alright, it was a mistake done between us. I'm not hurt by it at all" I lied with a smile on my face. His face was his usual expression, I couldn't tell what he was thinking. "Strange" He started of. "You say that, but I feel like you don't actually mean that last part" He said. I looked away, I didn't want him to expand on it any further and thankfully he realized that and kept quiet.

We arrived to my home, the rain pattered around us. "Well this is your home, I shall be heading off now." Albedo gave me a slight smile before turning away.

"Wait" I said.


"I have some questions, that I'd like to ask"

"And they are?" he turned his body back to me.

"Do you..." The words were stuck on my throat, I was scared but I wanted to know how he felt too. "Not have feelings for me?" I finished my question and studied his expression. There was a slight shift to a surprise then a thinking one. "My feelings for you.. I don't understand them" He started. "But what I do know.." Then he started to walk to me and brushed some of my hair behind my ear. "I can't stop thinking about you" My face heated up but I didn't give in. "Then why did you choose her" The anxious feeling I had was all coming in. My eyes started to feel watery and I really wanted to cry.

"Because, I liked her a lot more, she overpowers my thoughts more than you do" And with that, he left.

I didn't realize I was holding my breath as the tears started to stream down my face. Maybe this time, we can finally put this behind us and let go.

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