Fanfiction 5 (Dainsleif)

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"Remember to be on your best behavior, okay?"

Was the words my parents told me before me and my brother went to Khaenri'ah. Getting to Khaenri'ah was a whole trip itself, we met all sorts of people and befriended them as well. We met a few so called Archons of the world too. Though, I'm more excited to see him now that we've reached Khaenri'ah that I just can't stop looking around.

"You good?" Aether tapped my shoulder seeing how much I was looking around. "Y.. Yeah I'm just excited to see him again, you know?" I blushed and twiddled with my fingers. Aether gave me a little smile and pointed at the princess of Khaenri'ah coming our way along with a tall man with blonde hair and beautiful deep oceanic eyes coming our way.

"Welcome!" The princess greeted us happily. "You must be here for my father, please follow me this way" The princess motioned us to the way and Aether fell into step with her, leaving me walking side-by-side with her royal knight.

"I'm glad to meet you again" The knight says to me and my cheeks flushed.

"Ye- yeah, hello to you too Dain!" I said nervously. He gave me a soft smile and patted my head. Me not noticing Aether's look at me. "This is the audience chamber" The princess announced to us. "Ah" I muttered to myself and was about to stand next to Aether but he gave me a slight push back, saying he could handle it. I gave a slight pout once the doors to the audience chamber closed. Leaving me and Dain alone waiting outside.

"C'mon Aether.. You aren't the only envoy" I crossed my arms and tapped my foot. "Do you perhaps not like being alone with me?" Dain asked me instantly undoing my crossed arms. "N.. No! Not at all, I'm just wondering why Aether left me out here.." I said looking back at the door. "I see.." Dain replies lowly, his cheeks flushed.

"So what do you do around here" I started as I decided to look past the balcony to the bustling city of Khaenri'ah.


Today is my last day at the city of Khaenri'ah. It was really fun while it lasted. I met most of Dain's friends, got to try out all sorts of food and even met the one they call Rhinedottir with a little assistant following her, she is quite strict as rumors say.

"Did you know little miss envoy, that Dain here, has the biggest ass out of the royal guards?" Halfdan said with the cheekiest grin on his face. Dainsleif blushes and covers his back with his cape, "I do not" he says. "Hohoho, I thought I was the only one who noticed" I joked with Halfdan. We were in the royal garden, Dain was tasked to look over me and to guide me around the place while Halfdan was with us due to his break. "I'll miss this" I say all of a sudden. Dain and Halfdan fell into silence, looked at each other and decided to bring me somewhere.

"Where are we going?" I asked the both of them as they held my hand. "You'll see" Dain told me. So I decided to stop asking questions and just let them guide me.

Then we arrived at a field of Inteyvats. It was truly astonishing that I was at a lost for words. They were all truly beautiful. Halfdan sadly had to go back to work and left me and Dain alone in the field. "Seems like it's just you and me left again" I say with a small giggle at the end. "Indeed it has..." Dain says. He plucked one of the Inteyvats and placed it in my hair.

"You're very beautiful.."

My heart fluttered when I heard his words. The wind picked up and some breeze blew around us. As we were slowly leaning in we heard Aether's voice,

"Oi! What do you think you're doing?!"

He says as he ran to us. Me and Dain gave a heartful laugh and hugged each other as Aether made his way to us. My brother plucked up one of the Inteyvats as well and placed it into my hair, close to Dain's.

Looking at the interstellar skies, I couldn't help but smile. My two favorite people in the world, next to me... I couldn't be any more happier.


Finally arriving back to Celestia, ready to leave this world and go to another. I looked at the photo in my hand; a photograph of me and Aether standing in the field of Inteyvats. The photo was took by Dain as a memory of our time in Teyvat. We promised Dain to come back time to time and stay for a while once our mission has been completed.

Me and Aether looked at each other, finally leaving this world they called Teyvat.

"Outlanders.. Your journey ends here" The God says, as she came by to block our path.

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"The sustainer of heavenly principles.. The arrogation of mankind ends now" She says sternly.

Me and Aether felt the ground shake and jumped away from each other, drawing out our swords ready to fight. The fight was tedious as we had to fly and dodge her attacks only then did we go together ready to stop her, only for her to trap me. Aether stepped away in moments time as we gave one last glance to each other till I felt my power slip away from me and see a never ending darkness. Though I can faintly hear Aether say, to give me back to him.


When I awoke, I was near Khaenri'ah. Me and Aether next to each other. "Aether please.. Wake up" I shook him but to no avail. He wouldn't wake up. I left Aether some place I assume would be safe and ran to Khaenri'ah in hopes to find someone to help us but all I see was destruction.

I ran through the city in hopes to find someone and I did. He took me out of the city before a debris fell onto me.

"Dain.." I say, relieved.

He gave me a look. A look that says I shouldn't have come back. I reached out to him but he stepped back. "The gods did this didn't they.." I muttered as I looked back onto the ruined city. Dain stayed quiet as he looked at me.

"Dain! I thought you said they were to be trusted! You lied to me, you lied to the people!" I grabbed him by the collar and saw his remorseful eyes.

My feelings for him didn't go away. I let him go and went back to my brother.


I have joined forces with the ones they call the Abyss. In hopes to get revenge of the gods as well as helping the people of Khaenri'ah. 500 years have past and Aether is soon awakening. I walked to my brother, who was in a case we placed him in.

"Your highness" One of the abyss heralds came to me. I looked back at them and crossed my arms. "The plan will be set in motion soon, let us take your brother" They say. "Proceed" I stepped back and watch him take my brother out of the casing and left.

I looked back at the interstellar sky in the room. I hope my brother chooses his own path in this world as I have chosen mine, but I do hope he sees the truth and comes with me in my path, down the spiraling abyss.

Dainsleif.. The man I have loved through out my journey even now, has become my enemy, trying to stop us from lifting the curse and giving the people their freedom. The path of destruction follows me as I try to find Rhinedottir and fix the world. I've researched a lot.. This isn't the first nation that has fell into destruction. History repeats itself and I intend to make it right.

My beloved, I hope you will be well.. But I will not hesitate to eliminate you as you try to stop me. The fleeting moment of happiness, I have forgotten after 500 years.

"We will be reunited.. Someday but not today"

I placed the photograph of me and Aether down on the desk in the room as I quietly leave.

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