Story 8

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"Good morning your highness" I say as I drew the curtains open then slowly made my way to her bed with my cart with a basin full of clean water to wash her face with. "Good morning" Her highness says sleepily, attempting to sit up. My heart pounded seeing her face and hearing her voice. I gave her a small smile as I brushed her hair behind her ear as she washed her face. "You're quite beautiful today too... Your highness" I say sheepishly. Her face turned red along with her ears as she stuttered a small thank you to me.

Sighing I walked to exit the door. "I'll go get your food, the others will be coming in to prepare you for the day too" I said before leaving.

I am an infiltrator from the next kingdom over and I play as the princess' maid. Planning to take over this kingdom to expand our own. But surprisingly enough I fell in love with the princess. She's surprisingly smart and strong willed. If I wasn't careful enough I would've been caught due to her since they finally realized there was a traitor among the people in the Palace.

The mere thought of being caught by her.. Thrill crossed through my mind and I didn't think it would be such a bad idea. The plan will be beginning in a couple of days now and there's no way to stop them. It's has now become the inevitable.

I pushed the tray of snacks and tea to the princess' office. Knocking on the door and heard a simple come in. I went inside the room only to find her focusing heavily on a piece of letter she had recieved earlier this morning. "Is there something wrong your highness?" I asked her as I prepared the snacks and tea on a table beside the window that looked towards the mountains.

"I seem to have gotten a letter from the traitor in the castle and it clearly explains how they infiltrated the castle and shake its walls but they could be bluffing" She explains to me. I realized her eyebrows have furrowed deeply, giving a slight tsk I went up to her to stop her from doing it. "You'll ruin your pretty face, your Highness" I say with a disappointed tone. "Sorry" She mutters sheepishly.

I went back to the table, pouring tea into her teacup. As I was doing so she slouched on her chair and bought the letter to her face. A moment of realization hit her as I had my back faced to her. The scent of the letter almost familiar, almost as if the one who wore the exact same perfume was with her that very moment.

She called out my name. "Yes, your highness?" I say as I continued on with what I was doing.

"Are you... The traitor?"

Her words had me stalling.

"And... What if I am?" I muttered turning to her. Her face was serious then she gave me a smug smile. "I gotta commend you, what you did and being undetectable, it was all amazing. That even I can't figure out it was you right away" She praised me. I ripped off the maid outfit I had on, to reveal the clothes I had underneath, which are a loosely fitted shirt with dark brown pants and darker colored boots. Removing my hair piece and tying my hair to a high ponytail, I walked up to the princess. "Do you not understand that I could kill you right now?" I asked, unsheathed the dagger from my belt and pushing it up her neck.

She looked at me unamused. "You love me too much" She smiled as she said that. In disbelief I pushed the dagger up even more. "How are you so sure?" I asked with gritted teeth. "Not a single blood of mine has been drawn due to your blade" She says in a matter-of-fact tone.

Not being able to hold back my laughter I sheathed my blade back to where it belongs and took the princess in my arms. She gave out a gasp as I picked her up and twirled her around, giggling as I do so.

"Are you really not mad at me?" I asked as I finally put her down. "Not at all" She replies with a smile.

"But your kingdomー"

"Will be under new management anyways. I've always wanted a life of exploring and living much more freely"

She opened the window and gazed out of it. Only to see the infiltration happen. "And I don't expect you'll leave me as a kidnapped princess either?" "Never, M'lady" I say as I took her hand in mine and kissed the back of it.

"I'll be in your care then" Her smile shined brightly as we both hear noisy footsteps from the halls.

"At your service" I picked her up and took her out of the room to run away from the soldier's infiltration.

There we run away and left the continent to live a life of our own. Being side-by-side adventurer duo and also a couple at heart.

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