chapter 11

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Have been crying for a hour straight this may be short but I'm putting another one out I guess.

Tw:night mare about abandonment
(Ranboo's pov)
We were staring in each other's eyes when suddenly y/n closed the gap, it felt like forever when it just lasted for 5 seconds and I sure felt like the happiest dude in the world, while my brain was still processing this I quickly choked out "y/n, do you want to be my girlfriend?" And to my shock she said yes, I got up, picked her up and twirled her happily and finally set her down cupping her cheek to kiss her again.

(Yns pov)
I closed the gap between be and ranboo and a spark of butterflies just rolled in my stomach happily after what seemed like forever it ended, I saw ranboo with a really deep flushed face and I barely managed to hear him asking me to be his girlfriend with all of the things in my brain and I said yes and he got up, picked me up and twirled me and I'm not kidding I felt like a disney princess in that right special moment
Finally when he let me down he kissed me again and surprise surprise butterflies emerged out
We knew it was super late outside so I just took him back to my place when isn't that far away. We were happily holding hands and walking to my house when I remember what am I going to tell the 3 kids that I have a random 6'7 guy in the house, I pushed the thought away and got back home to my shock they all were sleeping which I was glad off so I took ranboo to my ranboo to do random stuff. I sat on the bed while ranboo was sitting on the chair and I felt like I was going  to sleep so I just told ranboo that I'm shutting my self off and going to bed which he agreed to join me in, after we got in bed... And ranboo's feet were dangling off the edge which I found hilarious he wrapped his arms around me and we stayed like that until I saw nothing just.. Blackness in a room of black with.. 5 people in there...

Dream us
Ranboo... Wilbur, niki and mom and dad?-
"you whore" I got from ranboo in return
"You fucking piece of shit, you used me, niki and ranboo for views go to hell" I got from Wilbur
"You ugly little bitch" that comment by niki started making me cry
"YOUR WORTHLESS Y/N YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING YOU DON'T HAVE A DEGREE YOU DON'T HAVE A HUSBAND Y/N YOUR FUCKING BISEXUAL YOUR SO UNSHUB WE ARE NOT PROUD OF YOU" and with that.. From my parents they all walked to a door and I screamed and cried and begged for them to come back y/n wake up ;) ranboo said in a snarky tone

I woke up to ranboo crying and the 3 kids around me just confused "you were screaming y/n" what happened

Word count: 521
There you have it a short fillet aha.

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