chapter 13

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Hello rats hahahahaha my beautiful lil turds... It shows that y/n barely hangs out with the dream team that are there- I should probably make a few chapters of her showing them around sheesh

Tw: toxic ex and also self harm 😔
(Ranboo's pov)
The two cousins ran to the car while I held the child in my arms and I literally kind of wanted to punt it.. Oh god no tubbo is corrupting my brain, after a little procrastination I finally went in the car and sat there waiting
2 minutes turned into 5 and 5 into 10, I was actually getting kind of worried to where y/n when I snapped out of my thought to see y/n bolting towards the car, I opened the door for her and she quickly got in and locked the doors

(Y/n's pov)
I saw the car and bolted towards it with a shaky breath, ranboo saw me and opened the door
I quickly got in and closed it as well as locking them all and saw joey wink at me mischievously and at that moment I couldn't keep it in and started crying, but then realised I'm in front of my cousins and ranboo so i wiped the tears off and started driving the car back to my house.

Finally when we got in the house I felt a little better and remembered that my cousins were leaving in a hour so I asked them if their bags were packed and I heard them all say yes.

I was in the car taking my cousins to the airport with ranboo and started tearing up a little cause I'll miss them but remembered they come here so many times and I guess that cheared me up. We finally got to the airport and their flight was about to leave so I quickly hugged them and they left. I got in the car when ranboo said that I had a message, I forgot that he had my phone because I was wearing a dress that didn't have any pockets.

(Ranboo pov)
Y/n looked sad when her cousins left but none the less she put up a smile and then went to the car to go to the air bnb when I got a  message from her phone

Unknown number
Hey doll.
Seen at 10:28

"Hey y/n.. You got a message from an unknown number saying hey doll?" And she asked for her phone to see it

(Y/ns pov)
I asked for my phone to see the message and in fact it did say that

Unknown number
I see you doll, with that
Guy. Leave him, he doesn't
Give a shit about you.
Get home and you know what
For being bad go ahead and
Cut your self.. Or else ;)
Seen at 10:32

I was at the verge of years thinking that ranboo didn't care about me when I read the last part.. And I was at that point super scared and ranboo noticed that and got in the car "s-some one's watching us" I whispered out but ranboo heard it "what?"
"Oh nothing don't worry" I said and drove back instead to the air bnb since I got bored of my home and to get my mind off.

"Hey guys-" I saw Tommy and tubbo
"Oh hey y/n and ranboo" tubbo and Tommy said, "wanna go out to a beach?" I asked and they all said yes and 3 minutes later we were all in the car while I was driving to the beach and everyone screaming the lyrics to road trip. We finally arrived at the beach and I saw one of my old friends Nick, so as the obnoxious idiot I am I started bolting towards Nick "NICKKKKKKK"
Jeez I need to work out more I'm already tired
"Y/N!!!!" Nick started running towards me making us both fall to the ground with a bruise on our head bc we hit each other too hard when we bumped into one another, "HOW ARE YOUU NICK" "dude I'm great what about you?" I was so excited to talk to him again, I looked back at ranboo and everyone else to make sure they were fine and I can clearly see ranboo was looking at us and had a weird face made, I just brushed it off and thought he was looking at something as else perhaps and got back to talk with Nick. "So Nick wanna come to my home and have a sleep over we always used to have?" "Yeah of course y/n why not, could be a good time to catch up".

Word count: 783
Hello rats this was... Written on the course of 4 days because I could think up of ✨nothing✨

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