Losing to You

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"Game Starting," Chan says. 

I spawned next to a couple of fallen over logs with a huge grass field in front of me. I pulled up my map and saw that I was on the far north of it. I looked down and saw that I had a blue ninja looking outfit with some black outlines. I then took a look at my laser gun in my hand, and it matched my outfit. 

"Oooh.. this means that I'm the blue player," I say to myself as I look at the stats next to the map. 

There's Red, Black, Pink, Purple, and White playing along with me. Red must be Dahyun. Black is Chaeyoung, most likely. I feel like Mina would match purple. Momo surprisingly could be white. And Sana is obviously pink. 

I mean either way I can't really tell who is who even if I were to shoot at them, because we all have something covering over our faces. That's how the game works anyways. Everyone's identity is covered, so you don't know who you're shooting at, and at the end everyone's identity is revealed. This prevents teaming and conflicts to occur. 

I look around and see nothing at the moment. I just hear the breeze and the grass moving as the breeze passes by. I hear a rustle in the ankle height grass making me turn my head to the left. I walked closer to it holding my gun in my hands in front of me. Just then a rabbit jumped up making me jump back out of shock. 

"Really... all that suspense for a cute little bunny?" I question myself in disbelief. 

I look at the bunny and it stares back at me. I look on top of the Bunny's head and see a name tag. 

"Nayeon??.. Since when did Bunnies start having name tags? I know people's pets have name tags, but a stray animal? Maybe it's not a stray, I don't know.. I shouldn't waste too much time on it," I say aloud. 

I continue to look around and walk around the grass field still staying low to the ground to not blow my cover and get shot by someone. 

"Where is everyone anyways?" I ask myself. 

"Player pink has been shot by player black," I hear Chan announce. 

"Sana has been shot already? Hah, I knew she wasn't that good," I chuckle feeling confident in myself. 

I look at the map and see that I have traveled more to the west, almost exactly to the boundary line. I look up and see a bunch of dead trees laying around. It creates the perfect place to shoot others and hide. You can basically camp here. 

"I wonder if anyone is here?" I ask myself. 

"Player purple and player red have been shot by player white," Chan announces. 

I didn't see any lasers fly across in this area.. They must not be here then. I continue to crouch down and walk closer to the area. 

Just then a pink laser flew in my direction. I front flipped and landed into a roll behind a big dead tree that was a light shade of gray. 

'There is someone here' I thought to myself. 

I peeked a bit before another pink laser came my direction in which I had to dodge. 

'Hmm.. Sana wants to play like this huh..' I thought. 

I ran across to another log that was laying a few meters to the right of my log. As I did this, Sana tried to shoot me, but she missed. I continued to zigzag closer to her and took a few shots, almost hitting her. Eventually I got to the log where she was hiding behind, and shot first at her before she can shoot, eliminating her. 

'Like I said, no one can beat me.' I smirked.

"Player pink has been shot by player blue," Chan announces.

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