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A table went flying pass the eating group of Kenny's soldiers and crashed into the dining room window, smashing the glass into pieces.

"Where the fuck is Alixx?" He shouted. An angry expression covered his features sending chills down multiple spines.

Everyone quickly stuttered out that they didn't know or hadn't seen her which only made him angrier. His eyes met a particular soldier with black hair and blue eyes making the man shake with nerves. Kenny then picked up a chair next and threw it at the soldiers causing them to flee before getting hit.

"If someone doesn't point me in the right goddamn direction of that midget I'll burn this whole fucking place to the ground!"

He took out his pistol and aimed it at an oil lamp ready to make good on his promise.

Caven approached him seeming to be the only one in the room unafraid of him. His wild eyes met hers and he sighed before dropping his arm and lowering the gun.

"I think you should try the most obvious place," she said folding her arms across her chest.

"Where the fuck is that?" He asked ready to lose his patience again.

She arched an eyebrow and then sighed already tired of this conversation. Every week Alixx found new ways to piss Kenny off. She wasn't sure if the girl was doing it for fun or because she had a death wish. Either way she wished she could control herself as Kenny and the gang were in the last phase of their operation.

"Your room," she said simply and he looked at her confused. "You searched everywhere right? I'm sure she figured the last place you'd expect her to hide was in your room," she explained.

He smirked at this revelation.

Then without any warning he raised his gun and aimed it at the soldier from earlier. Before anyone could blink he pulled the trigger and shot a hole into the man's dick. He screamed out in pain and dropped to the ground holding his crotch as he cried out. Everyone watched with wide eyes as Kenny slowly approached the man and aimed again. "Lemme see," he said pretending to think. "Alixx loves riding dick so I know she's been on it," he said pointing at the man's crotch.

"Sir please I'm sorry!" The man cried out. "Alixx told me you allow her to sleep with whoever she wants! I promise I won't touch her again!"

"I bet you had your hands on her tits too," he said completely ignoring the man's pleads and shooting him in both hands."Damnnnn son you were right!" He laughed, "you definitely won't be touching her again."

"Please!" The man wept now bleeding out.

"That bitch also has a needy and ungrateful pussy so I'm sure you had a taste," Kenny continued with an unnerving smirk, enjoyment of this game shone through his eyes. He aimed at the man's mouth. "How'd she taste?" He asked and before he could respond Kenny pulled the trigger several times shooting him in the face over and over again until he finally stopped moving.

He blew off the smoke at the end of his gun, sheathed it and the looked around the group meeting each individuals eyes with that same smirk and held his arms out.

"Who else wants a piece of my pussy?"

The room was silent and Caven sighed as she began directing different members to start gathering the body. Kenny started laughing as everyone's discomfort seemed to amuse him. He was happy to remind everyone who they worked for and that at anytime if he felt the slightest bit of betrayal, then they were all at his disposal.

"Now, now. Alixx's turn," he said leaving the room with a new found pep in his step. "My baby Lorraine wants some more action," he said patting the gun at his side.

Kenny took his time heading back to his room as he thought over Alixx's punishment. If he was being honest he was sick of her shit. Always ruining his plans and fucking his men to get a rise out of him.

Fucking brat.

This time however she had went too far. Fucking that new recruit was the least of his problems. This time Alixx decided to inform his precious nephew Levi of his up and coming plans. Then when he confronted her about it she told him to, "fuck off you old bastard." His blood began boiling again as he remembered.

Talking back? That was an absolute no in Kenny's book. He kept her around this long because she constantly entertained him and he loved sleeping on her big tits. Though now that times were crucial and he was getting ready to face off against his own Levi of the scouts, he realized she was becoming too much to handle right now.

"Alixxxxxx!" He sang as he kicked his room door open.

It was quiet and his gaze lazily traced every inch of the junky room. That fucking midget was small enough to hide anywhere she desired which annoyed him. He walked over to the bed and touched it revealing her warmth and informing him that she had just been there moments ago.

One of the many boxes suddenly fell onto the floor behind him and with quick reflexes he turn and shot in that general direction. He heard a small squeak indicating that she was still inside the room and he smirked.

"Baby girl you hurt?" He asked heading towards the direction he shot into. He looked behind some boxes and saw a small splatter of blood on the wall. "God damn I'm good!" He shouted feeling his blood pump as he loved being the hunter.

He kicked the boxes and his predator eyes wandered around the room once more.

"Alixx you might as well come out. I'm too old to be playing hide and seek baby," Kenny said amused at himself. "Alixxxx. Oh Alixxxxx."

Alixx covered her mouth with one hand trying to control her breathing as to not give away her position. The bullet graze on her arm was painful and she wanted more than anything to cry out. Yet she knew that if she was going to make it out alive she'd best stay silent.

"You're only making it worse for yourself kid. Making me angrier ain't your best bet."

She slowly scooted closer towards the door maneuvering between the many boxes in his room and the dresser. Angry Kenny turned her on but she knew this time she had really pushed him pass his limit. The safe bet was to disappear into the night and return tomorrow after he got a chance to calm down.

"Alixx!" He yelled startling her. "When I get my hands on you I'm ganna fuck you until beg me to stop and you already know I won't. Then I'll let Lorraine here have a turn," he said waving his favorite gun around. "She loved it when you deep throated her last time."

Alixx's pussy clenched at that particular memory. She shook her head to rid herself of it as she needed to focus on escaping. Slowly she continued to her destination until finally making it to the door. She grit her teeth in pain as she slowly reached for the door handle with her wounded arm. She froze as the barrel of a gun was placed on the back of her head. Slowly she turned around coming face to face with Kenny and his cocky grin.

He removed the gun and pointed it at her face.

"Open wide baby girl."


Before she could finish her sentence he stuck the barrel of the gun in her mouth and deep down her throat.

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