17: She Who Will Light Up the World

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This author has something to say:

Thank you so much for defending me and my work.

If you're unaware, seven or so days ago, I received some horrible comments about this book, which obviously hurt me.

I didn't reply to them because I didn't want to give the haters the satisfaction. (And in the following days, I was so sad that I avoided scrolling too far down the discussion board.)

Now, I was exceptionally sad and angry because at the time I read the hate comments, it was the day before a big exam. REALLY BIG. It's an exam that's going to decide whether I can go to my choice of med school. *My fingers are still crossed*

I started studying for that exam August this year, in addition to my current courses. I was relapsing back to very bad eating habits, which literally makes it difficult to breathe (I sometimes have to work extra hard to take deep breaths), gave me terrible acne and worsened my stress.

Anyway, everything I wrote and published recently was partially due to a need to relax, because even if writing isn't easy, it gives me joy. And I love waiting for your comments and knowing that you enjoy what I give. I didn't care that I was missing sleep because writing was my way to unwind...

So imagine my frustration and hurt when I excitedly hit the notification button only to find hate comments. That was also the first time I've ever received such negative comments. It was just such a shock that I almost deleted the book (overreaction, I know, but I was in a delicate state of mind haha).

On the flip side, this experience gave me the idea for Chapter 15 and Denki's moment with Y/N.

P.S. (I'll be putting this note on some of the other chapters as well)

Just to clarify:

This book will not have any other ship other than with Y/N.

Y/N's hilarious fixation on BakuDeku is for... well, comedy. Duh. It is her being an interpersonally incompetent teenager who has, in this context, misinterpreted Bakugou and Midoriya's friendship-turned-rivalry to be repressed, closeted homosexual feelings. And "spoiler alert" (note the sarcastic quotation marks): she won't succeed in "getting them together" because they're supposed to fall for her. I don't know if you guys noticed (more sarcasm), but the book title clearly says "BNHA!Various x READER." Also, Y/N lacks solid relationship experience, so she'll be misinterpreting many things. I won't spoil you the specifics, just know that I'm laughing here.

For the record, I'm not making fun of BakuDeku shippers. You guys are free to ship whoever you want with whomever you want. I do have my own ships, but I won't tell you what they are, and please don't tell me yours.

Avoid war.

Stay aboard the Y/N supremacy ship. (It's the only ship where everyone wins, imo lololololololol)

Because we have already explored Y/N's background and way of thinking (and because I'm writing something else with a different POV and keep confusing the two), I will be switching from the first person POV to the second POV for the remainder of the story. I hope you guys enjoy!

Homeroom started with an election for class president and vice president.

Among the people included were the puppy, the durian (self-nominated, naturally), and the shelf-wearer.

You were supposed to be part of the elected, but the conversation went like this:

Denki: "I would like to nominate [Name] [Lastname]–"

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