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I sat down, the seat was so comfy; definitely more comfy than my bed in the adoption centre. She smiled to me once again before sitting down. Moving so gracefully in everything she did. I looked out of the window beside me as the carriage started to move. My body was so tense, I was so nervous. Why had the evil queen invited me into her carriage with her? She didn't seem evil, she seemed caring, and sweet. I looked to her, only to find she was already looking at me. I made eye contact with her and quickly turned my head back to look out of the window. I watched as the we passed the trees, each one disappearing as quickly as it appeared. I had never been in a moving vehicle before, we were too poor to afford one. I saw a familular path as i realised she was taking me back to the adoption centre. "Please don't take me back there" I said quickly, my voice was shaking. She looked to me with concern painted across her face. "Don't worry" She said. Don't worry? Is she serious? She doesn't understand what it's like there, with all of the younger children leaving and going off with their new families while I just stand there and watch, knowing that no one wants me. "Please, I can't go back there. Watching everyone go off with their new families and sitting there watching them leave, knowing damn well that no one wants me. I can't do it anymore, that's why I ran." She looked to me and just stared. Maybe she was evil, can't she understand I'm in pain. "I'm not taking you back" She said.

"Then where are we going?" I asked

"I know Snow is in the village you came from, my guards saw her. Do you happen to know where she is?" She replied and looked deep into my eyes. Crap. She knew this whole time, that's why she asked me to ride in her carriage, not because she was worried about me or because she had sympathy for me, because she wanted answers. That's all she cares about. I should have known, why would the evil queen want to help me? But I can't worry about that now, I need to decide what side I'm on. Should I help Snow or the Queen?

"It's true, she was in my village but I ran from her, I don't know where she is now." I said. guess I chose to help the Queen then. She smiled and rose from her seat and the carriage came to a halt. She gestured for me to stand. I did as I was told and stood up, stepping out of the carriage as the door opened. As I looked up to the crowd, I saw Rose standing there. "EL!" She shouted and I ran into her arms. "WHERE DID YOU GO, I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" She said and I just continued to hug her. "It's okay, the queen helped me" I said and I saw Rose look to the queen. She mouthed thank you before pulling me into a tighter hug. I heard the queens heels on her boots move closer and closer towards me. I turned to face her as she held her hand out to me, gesturing me to hold it. I looked up to meet her eyes, and then looked to Rose before pulling away and placing my hand in the queen's. I walked next to her as she marched back and forth, eyeing the people of my village. "I know snow white has been here." She said, her voice strong, showing power. "And one of you is going to tell me where she is." The crowd stood silent. Regina held out her other hand, making a woman rise from the floor, gasping for breath. It was Mary, the owner of the house across the street from me. "Anyone want to tell me where Snow White is?" She queen shouted, tightening her grip as Mary kicked her legs, fighting for her life. The crowd stayed silent. Regina sighed as she dropped Mary to the floor. "Kill them all, except for the woman there" She said to her guards, pointing to Rose. "Bring her to me, now" she said and looked down to me, she lightly pushed me around to face the other way as I heard the screams of the crowd as they were shoved into a huddle. I felt arms wrap around me as I turn to see Rose hugging me, I hug her back. "I would like to take her" The queen said. I look to her. "What?" Rose replied. "You heard me, I would like to take El." The queen repeated. "Really?" I said, a smile forming on my face. The queen smiled back to me. "yes" She looked to Rose. 

"El, would you like to go with her?" Rose said, looking to me with a worried look on her face. I look to the queen, and then look back to Rose. "Yes!!" I shouted. The smile was quickly wiped off my face as I heard the painful screams of the crowd as the Queen's guards killed them all, one by one. The queen walked to me, covering my ears and nudging me into the carriage and closing the door after me. I looked at her out of the window as she walked back to Rose. They talked for a while, before The Queen nodded to Rose and turned around, walking towards the carriage. She opened the door and held out her hand to me. I held her hand and stepped out of the carriage. Rose walked to me and gave me a hug, the biggest hug she had ever given me. "Goodbye my love, know I am always with you." She whispered into my ear before pulling away from me and turning around, walking back into the adoption centre. She didn't turn around again. I watched as the door closed. A single tear dropped from my cheek. The queen wiped my tears away and helped me into the carriage. As the door closed, I looked to my bedroom window and saw Rose staring at me, waving goodbye. I smiled to her and waved, knowing that was the last time I would ever see her.

Hey guys! Sorry it took so long for me to update, I honestly had no motivation to write, but I'm happy with how this chapter turned out. I find this so cute because it shows how loving Regina really was. Hope you guys like this as much as I do Imao. I'll try to update asap <3

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