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I gasp and turn my head to look at the tall castle before me. I step out of the carriage and look up. The castle went on for miles. It was magnificent. The queen smiled to me as I walked behind her to the door. As we walked through the grand double-door, a man walked over to us. Looking to me with a confused look, he said "Welcome home your Majesty." The queen smiled to the man. "Daddy, this is El." She said gesturing her hand over to me. I smiled to the man, he must be the queen's father. "Nice to meet you El, I'm Henry." He said and smiled back to me. The Queen pulled her father into the corner. They whispered for a while before returning to me. By now, I was looking around at the fascinating designs and decorations on the walls. "Would you like to see your room?" The queen asked, as a burst of excitement explodes inside of me.

"I GET MY OWN ROOM?!" I shout. I then realised what I just did. I just shouted at the evil queen. "Sorry" I say bowing my head down. She chuckles and raises lifts my chin up with her hand. "Don't apologise!" She says and smiles to me and removes her hand from my chin. "Of course you get your own room, have you never had your own room before?" 

"No. I had to share with the other children at the centre." I reply. She smiles to me and walks off down the long corridors, she gestures me to come with her so I do as I am told and walk next to her. She places her hand in mine as we walk down the vast hallways. The towering walls filled with paintings stand either-side of me. The floor was so clean, I could see my reflection in the tiles. The tiles were dark, a mix of grey and black. The Queen really does love black. 

Then, there's a quick change of colour as we walk into a room, filled with a large bed, comfy pillows and teddies crowded on the bed. It had 3 large windows overlooking a field with horses and what looked like a training ground. The windows were accompanied with long beige curtains. The floor was covered with a fresh beige carpet, that looked like it had never been walked on. There was a dressing table to the side of the room filled with expensive makeup and perfumes. Followed by a bookshelf next to it, filled with all sorts of books I had never heard of before. I love reading, that was all we could really do in the centre, unless you wanted to play with the other children, but I was one of the oldest so I didn't really enjoy that. Rose used to try to talk to me, but it always got too serious, and wasn't enjoyable. I realised I had been staring at the bookshelf for a while now, inspecting all the books. "Do you enjoy reading" I hear the queen say, breaking the silence. "Oh yes, very much! I always read." I reply. "I have never done anything else really, except for talk to Rose." 

The queen sits on the bed, tapping the space next to her. I slowly walk over to her, taking a seat where she told me to. "what was it like, growing up there?" She says. Wow okay, she's getting into that quick. I breathe for a second. "I was the oldest there, all the other children where 9,10 maybe 11. So Rose was my only friend really. Except for the old lady next door, she used to make cookies for the children and she would always save me the biggest one so I could have it with her." I say. The queen smiles. "The younger kids never understood me, though I don't expect them to. I tried so hard to be feel normal where I was, but I always felt like the outcast." I realise how deep that got. "But I was okay, I didn't need anyone else" I say, this puts the smile back on the queens face. 

"This is your room" She says. I look around. My room? I thought this was her room. This is amazing. "Thank you!" I say. "It's gorgeous." I stand up and walk over to the window, looking out at the beautiful horses filling the field. "why me?" I say to her, turning around and meeting her eyes. "Why did you want me?" She thinks for a moment before moving further back onto the bed so her head meets the headboard. "Let me tell you a story" She says. I slide onto the bed next to her. 

"I knew this girl. Young and beautiful, with hope in her heart. She entered every day wanting to make a difference In this world. She loved horse riding. And one day, when riding her horse, she met with the stable boy. His name was Daniel. As soon as she saw him, she fell madly in love with him. And so did he. They dated in secret for months. She couldn't tell anyone about Daniel because she knew her family wouldn't approve." She stopped for a moment, then took a breath before continuing. "That was until she found out she was pregnant. With a baby girl. As her bump started to show, she had to wear bigger clothes to hide it, because her mother still didn't know. One day, while getting ready, her mother walked in, with the king following. She stood up and bowed for the king, she was confused as she didn't know why he was here. It turns out, she had saved his daughter. A few days earlier, she had saved a young girl from nearly dying.  The king then proposed to her, of course she didn't want to marry the king, as she was in love with Daniel. But she had no choice, before she could say anything, her mother answered for her. As soon as she was free, she ran to the stables to meet Daniel. She instantly hugged him, crying on his shoulder. Before she could tell him what happened, he gave her a ring that belonged to his mother. A promise ring, it was gold, with a small white Dimond on. she had to tell him. As she was telling him what happened, the young girl, the kings daughter came from behind her. The secret then got out, the young girl ran to the girl's mother, telling her what she had seen. Her mother made her way over to the stable and was met with the queen and Daniel. She killed him. In front of her daughters eyes, she killed her one true love." 

I sat there, speechless. "What about the baby? did she keep it?" I said looking at the queen's teary eyes. "She couldn't. Her mother made her send the baby away, so that the king would never find out. The young girl searched everywhere to find the right centre to place her daughter in, and then she found one." I look at her and she looks at me, I don't know what this has to do with why she picked me but- "The baby was you" She says to me. I stop. I always thought my mother gave me up out of having no love for me, but in fact, she had no choice. "You know who my mother is? Who is she? Where is she? Is she alive? Does she know you have me?" I start to ask so many questions. My head is going wild. I start breathing really heavily with tears that were unintentional rolling down my face, I can't breathe, what's happening to me. "shhh, calm down. It's okay" the queen says, before placing her hand in mine. "Yes sweetheart, I know who your mother is." I look at her, she wipes the tears from my face. She then stood up and walked to the dressing table, and returned with a gold ring, and a small white Dimond on. I come to a moment of realisation. The ring from the story. But why would she have it? Unless- "The woman from the story was me." She says, with a nervous  look on her face. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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