Mirabel x GN! Reader - Empathy

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You were waiting patiently in your room for a sign. Be it a sound or a Morse code through a small light, you were waiting. And though you knew about the issues that were growing deep within your home, the lack of any answer was enough to make your mind wander to a simple question;

Where the hell is Mirabel Madrigal, your best friend since, well, forever?

Usually, ever since you two met at the young age of four, you both would hang out with one another, whether it be inside or outside of the Madrigal household. Not to mention, you would even persuade Mirabel to sneak out of the village just to see the sights, even if you knew going out of the perimeters of your home was considered a death wish.

Regardless, you two were a bit of thrill seekers. You never cared what others would say about you, and neither did Mirabel. And the two of you would roam freely together on a daily basis...

Until her ceremony, ten years ago.

You were front and center in the crowd waiting for Mirabel to be granted her gift by Alma Madrigal and the family's casita. And standing before you was your best friend, big eyed, nervous but excited about what was to come for her. The two of you have been wondering that whole week what her power could be. Ice breath? Flight? The small possibilities were endless and a great way to cope until the day finally arrived for Mirabel to receive her gift.

Except, she didn't receive her gift.

Everyone in the village experienced horror and confusion as the casita displayed a potential door to Mirabel, only for a beautiful shade of gold to evaporate into thin air.

There was no special room for the young Madrigal. There was no extraordinary gift. And with that result, there was no celebration. Only panic and grief.

As the years passed, the village and the Madrigal family easily came to terms with the incident and moved on. Especially with the arrival of little Antonio, who was luckily gifted with the ability to communicate with animals. Now that was something to celebrate about. And it wasn't just because you watched the young boy have fun with his family, but because after so many years of sudden disappearances, you saw her again.

Walking next to the nervous Antonio during his ceremony, you saw your best friend after what felt like an eternity. Mirabel Madrigal, walking next to her young cousin bathed in the same fear he was concealed in. Yes, the two of you would "hang out". If you considered crappy Morse code and bumps in the village as hanging out. But tonight was different. Mirabel was really here!

As your eyes locked onto your childhood friend, you wondered;

Did she always look so beautiful?

For the rest of the night, though you didn't want to admit it out of guilt, your attention was locked on Mirabel. At least, until you had to leave for the night, But even after you had your share of fun, you couldn't help but let your mind wander aimlessly on the idea that Mirabel was okay. That she was just as lovely as you remembered. But another question started to flood your mind;

Was she okay? Emotionally?

You of all people knew how hard this would be for the young woman. You weren't dumb. You could tell in the midst of it all, even if no words were exchanged, you could tell that Mirabel was dealing with some mental and emotional demons. And though she may push you away, you would do anything in your power to help her. Come on, she's your best friend after all!

So you got ready to walk out of your room. Only to stop at the sight of a flashing light. Frozen dead in your tracks, your eyes fixated on the source of the light; the Madrigal's cottage. Particularly, Mirabel's room. The lights would switch from long signals to short flickers. Was this the Morse code again? What did it say?

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