Bruno x FEM Reader - Reading Too Deep

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You didn’t want to admit it to anyone, but you used to see Bruno behind closed doors. Because you knew as his girlfriend, it was the right thing to do.

You were sure if someone, anyone had found out about you seeing the ridiculed fortune teller, they would be upset to the core. Even your parents never approved of the Madrigal’s gift. But you? You were so different.

The village was buzzing about a new fortune teller being welcomed to the family of Madrigal. That is, until he spoke of his first fortune. Locals said that rumor has it that, as soon as Bruno got his powers, he approached the nearest woman and told her she would lose her job to her brother. Talk about a downer.

But once again, you weren’t like everyone else. When you heard this news, you only found yourself gravitating more to the scruffy haired man. Besides, who wouldn’t want their fortune, bad or good, to be read?

Yeah, maybe his first reading was rough, but maybe there was also a silver lining to his foresights. With the thirst of knowing what your own future held, you marched your way to the Madrigal’s casita to see what all the fuss was about and...

Let’s just say that after you were told your father would lose a bet and endless apologies, you and Bruno immediately hit it off. Albeit, in an awkward manner.

The man would fumble around his words frequently and even his feet when he would stare at you with those cute brown eyes of his. And boy have you never met a man who blushed so much. You just thought Bruno was the most adorable guy. No. You thought he was just precious.

There would be nights where he ran to you, crying into your eyes like a baby about the gossip around the village. And you would always comfort him without hesitation. It was pretty clear that everyone made it a point to show and tell the male Madrigal how horrible he was for just using his gift. With every night that passed full of endless love and comfort, you could tell it was beginning to ruin your boyfriend’s mind.

But the both of you went through thick and thin for your relationship, even if everyone in his Encanto despised you for it. Rocks would be thrown at you, threats would be given. It had gotten so bad that some villagers tried to hurt you one night. But luckily Bruno was quick enough to come to your aid and save you. You always wondered why he would take such a risk and it would make you recall what he told you that night as you bandaged him up;

“Because you are my everything. Call it love or trauma to the brain or being dramatic, but… I really love you, (Y/N). I would die for you.”

And you believed it. Nothing in your mind made you doubt that Bruno would ever stop fighting for your future. Even if your own families wanted you both to end your affair, you never did. You were his life. And he was yours…

But everything changed one night, fifteen years ago.

Earlier one Wednesday morning, you had headed to the Madrigal manner with an epiphany; You were going to ask Bruno to marry you. At this point, five years into your relationship with the fortune teller, you were sure that you had nothing and no one left. Bruno made it abundantly clear that the same could be said for himself. So you gave him an idea the night before as you two cuddled together.

“Bruno,” You whispered into his ear as your fingertips could feel his steady heartbeat. Combing his fingers through your soft (H/C) hair, he responded with a light hum. How cute. “We should run away.” You immediately felt his fingers cease movement for a split second before continuing at a slower pace.

“How would we be able to do that,” He questioned and though he couldn’t tell, you automatically knew from the sound of his hushed voice that he thought running was a bad idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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