Chapter IV: Black and White

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"There's no good or evil, just positive and negative and in the end we all have our negatives and positives." - Anonymous

Your pov

I walked back to the pool, I was not surprised by the way Rosé acted, honestly, I saw it coming.

Nothing new, I just thought it would be a little later however I was wrong one thing is for sure, for my safety, I kept the video.

I might've showed her I deleted it, however it saved to my cloud. I could easily recover, however she does not know that.

I walked inside the area where the pool was located, I spotted Jungkook and Jennie.

I walked towards them, Jungkook ran to me.

He grabbed my face checking it for anymore injuries, I let him, it would probably put his mind to ease if he saw that I was fine.

"Thank goodness, it was only your lip."

I nodded.

"Don't act so nonchalant about this Y/n, what if it could've ended worse? Then what?"

I sighed and shrugged.

This was the first time in a while I heard him say my actual name instead of my nickname.

"We'll never know, and if it did end worse then that would've been that."

I replied.

He scoffed.

"I'm being serious here, Min Y/n, what if Ms. Kim didn't stop it in time? What then, don't look at me like that, answer me!"

I just shrugged, this was the first time I've seen Jungkook being so serious, he was getting angry, however this wasn't his typical reckless anger, it was of kind of a worried anger.

"I'm being serious too, it would've just ended at that, but then again we wouldn't know."

He looked at me, his eyes showed hurt and anger.

"I know you're used to being alone, only having your brother care for you, however you have other people who care now as well, and you not giving a shit, hurts a lot when they're just trying to help, stop pushing us away."

I should've been more careful with my words, I should've taken his and Jennie's feelings into thought. 

He left, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I really should notice that it's not only my brother that cares for me now.

Jennie had approached me after Jungkook left, she spoke breaking the deafening silence.

"He was just concerned and worried, don't think too much about it but...Y/n, he's right please notice that we care for you. I'm going to go calm him down, okay? However, please take his words to consideration."

I only nodded and watched her go after Jungkook.

I looked around and saw that Jeongyeon was no longer around.

"If you're looking for Jeongyeon, she isn't here, she was taken to the student council to see what her punishment would be, ironic isn't it? She's on the student council as well yet she went against the rules."

I nodded, Chaeyoung had approached me, she answered my questions and it was fascinating how she could read my expressions so easily.

"Thank you for answering my silent, yet loud questions. Tell me Chaeyoung, why do you support Jeongyeon through everything?"

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