Page 36 - A Promise Between Warriors

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The camera pans to the entrance of the cave showing Admiral Brunns and Admiral Linns standing there

Brunns says, "I can't believe you were hiding here this whole time. Quite the space you've got here."

Mayhem smiles, "Well well well looks like the military was here after all, and some strong ones as well! I didn't think I'd actually get to fight today."

Linns says to Brunns, "What do we do? Mayhem's to strong for just one of us to handle."

"Our mission is are the Princes and Demon Ox. Mayhem can wait another day." Brunns replies. He then looks at Mayhem and says to him, "I'll be happy to let you walk free today if you let us take these guys with no interference."

Mayhem closes his eyes and crosses his arms to think for a second. He says, "Well there's only one choice really.". He turns looks at Daunte; who's able to stand on his own now; and smiles, "I'm gonna do you a favor young warrior but I'll need one from you as well." he starts walking up to Daunte

Daunte replies, "What?"

The scene does one of those show the mouth moving but the sounds' muted scenes as Mayhem whispers in Daunte's ear

Mayhem smiles and starts walking toward Brunns and Linns, "Take care of that for me and next time we meet we'll have another match to settle this."

Daunte sits with a shocked face with nothing to say at all. He turns to Benny, Alex, and J.W while nodding his head. They return the nod knowing what to do next.

"I'll entrust that to you Young Warrior." Mayhem says as he spikes his Adre, "NOW GO" he rushes the Admirals creating a diversion giving our four warriors a path to escape

As the four leave Brunns asks, "Why would you do that for them?"

Mayhem chuckles, "Because I know that kid is gonna become something amazing one day and I wanna see that! If he gets caught now who else is gonna put up a challenge for me in the future?"

Brunns smiles, "You never change huh Mayhem?"

"Never!" Mayhem says with the biggest smile, "Now how do you guys want to settle this?"

The camera flashes to our heros sprinting down the hall nearing the corridor where Benny fought the Raiders earlier

"Take the left!" J.W says

Benny asks, "What? Why? That's not where we came from."

J.W says, "I know but there's another exit if we head this way. It's on the other side of the mountain and will get us closer to our destination!"

"Alright." Benny replies

They take the left

"What's the destination?" Alex asks

J.W says while nervously laughing with his hand on his head, "I was hoping you could take me to my rendezvous point to met all my friends again."

Daunte says, "That was the plan all along. I kinda made a promise to this woman."

J.W says, "Ah you must mean Laura! She's always been looking out for me since we were kids but I never made it easy for her."

Daunte laughs, "Well she was okay when we saw her. Her and the other slaves that were there said they'll wait for you there."

J.W sighs in relief, "Thank goodness."

"Wait were there any slaves in the deeper caves? Because we couldn't get to them." Benny asks

J.W says, "No there wasn't. They didn't want any of us to have access to any weapons so they made us handle supplies to the underground only."

Benny says, "Alright that's good, but I have a question. What is your name?"

J.W replies, "It's Jabarilucumbis Wanosis, but most call me Jay or J.W for short."

"Shocked that this nigga ain't start floating or something." Daunte says, "But alright let's make our way out of here Jay!"

The crew follows the path to another elevator that takes them to a room that connects to the cave Keifer and Alex fought in earlier. They run through a few henchmen and make their way to an abandoned minecart system and walk up it making it out of the caves taking cover by a small cove

Daunte stretches, "Damn it feels good to feel the sunlight!"

J.W says, "Yes it does, also are your wounds okay? You took quite the beating from Mayhem."

Daunte says, "Yea I'm alright after healing myself up a bit. A little more time and I'll be at around 70% again."

"Lucky. Even being underground I'm only at around 50%." Alex replies

Daunte laughs, "Well maybe you should learn to absorb more darkness or protect yourself better with it."

Alex says a bit annoyed, "Oh shutup I wasn't blessed with super regen from fighting."

Daunte chuckles, "Aren't you a Royal with better energy than most?"

J.W walks to Benny and says, "Are they always like this?"

Benny chuckles, "Yea they are. It seems bad but they have different views on most things so it makes sense as to why they're like that."

J.W nods, "Well how long have you all been traveling together?"

Benny thinks for a moment. He then comes to the realization that the two groups have only known each other for a day and a half. He nervously chuckles, "Well ya know we're pretty good friends and that's all that matters." He clears his throat, "Anyways we should leave the area. Who knows what's gonna happen next."

J.W stands up, "I agree we should get a move on."

The camera pans to Keifer waking up in the carriage with Devin and Joe who are still out cold. He looks around to see it being guarded by Admiral Elvens, Darryl, Jared, and about 40 footmen. and can only utter one word, "Fuck"

Thanks for reading :) next page in a couple days

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