Page 80 - Battles Of Quaza Island ~ Old Friends

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Captain Kilo spikes his Ansrit and launches himself at Fet W calling out his attack name "Heaven's Slice"

Fet spikes his Ansrit in response. Upon impact the area shakes influencing Daunte and Captain Dore's fight

Captain Dore launches a tentacle at Daunte's chest but due to the area shaking his attack misses giving Daunte the opportunity to charge in and land a powerful gut punch with his right hand. Dore coughs up a bit of blood as he flies back and hits a wall. Dore uses his tentacles to try and slow Daunte down but he fails. Daunte quickly runs up while spiking his aura to Z'40 increasing his strength, once up close he throws a barrage of punches breaking the laboratory walls causing further panic throughout the building

As we go back to Fet W vs Captain Kilo we find the two locked in combat once again parrying each others attacks neither leaving room for errors.

Captain Kilo thinks, *How did I not affect him at all! This guys spirit has to be Water based!*

Fet thinks while fighting, *Man looks like being in Grouda Prison really improved my Ansrit. I barely put any effort into my shield.*

Fet dodges a 3-9 slash and lands a right hook to Kilo's jaw cracking it on impact ~ Kilo stumbles. He quickly fixes his footing and launches a combo of a 4-11 into another 3 to 9 slash ~ Fet parries the 4-11 slash and blocks the 3-9 slash shaking the ground around them again. Fet smiles and uses the shell on his right hand to grip the sword. He pulls Kilo closer and headbutts him with and A.Armadillo shell on his forehead sending Kilo flying through laboratory walls

Fet W smiles and says, "Looks like I've gotten another chance to achieve my dreams once again!"

Daunte walks up and says, "Oh and what would that be?"

Fet turns and says, "You don't need to know my plans kid. So stay out of my way!"

Daunte smiles and says, "Oh talking tough are we? Just remember it was us who got you here so don't forget it!"

Fet says, "Fine whatever. Just know next time I see you it'll be on sight."

Daunte replies, "I wouldn't want it any other way."

The two have a stare-off as Trap runs around the corner

Trap sees Fet and says, "I can't believe you actually made it Boss."

Fet and Daunte turns toward Trap. Daunte's face fills with shock while Fet smiles greatly and runs towards his friend

Fet hugs him and says, "You know I'll do anything for my crew! Now please answer this one question."

Trap asks, "What's up?"

Fet points at his arm and asks, "Why the hell do you have your arm back!?"

Trap says, "In the week I was away I got injected with some cells and I honestly thought I was gonna die, but they turned out to be he good batch so now I can regenerate. It's slow now but if I had more Ansrit I could speed up the process and get my hand back sooner."

Daunte says, "Huh so basically you got a hack."

Trap says, "You can turn gold shutup."

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