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A/N: What's this? Another chapter?! HA HA?!

Anthony had never heard a person snore so loud.

You would think after the two and a half weeks he had to put up with it he would get used to it by now. But no. Every night was torture and left him with no sleep. 

Pentious was a snorer, Anthony had found out the hard way. And he was fidgety, so very fidgety. Alastor's bed was made for two people, but Anthony was forced to 'sleep' on the edge. It was that or lay right next to Pentious' face. He would rather stay awake for a thousand years than do that.

Of course he had tried to solve the problem by pushing the man away from his side of the bed, but thanks to his injury, it was painful to do so. He knew that it would take about four more weeks to stop hurting and heal. He just hoped and prayed Pentious would be gone by then.

Alastor had taken his couch to sleep on and let Pentious take his bed. Anthony thought it was suspicious, though, when Alastor was eager for him to take his bed. Anthony also thought it was curious that Alastor would flat out refuse to swap.

It took about a week for Anthony to finally come to the conclusion that Alastor was obviously doing it as mutual revenge. Of course, for giving him an almost broken nose, he deserved to lay next to someone who sounded like a dying pig for six hours every night.

Anthony had almost begged Alastor to give Pentious another room, but he would never give into his demands and play the gentleman card, saying they were guests in his house so they deserved the bed. That was also the same morning that Pentious thought it was a wise idea to bring in a live rooster for their dinner. 

It did not end well.

At the end of the day, Alastor's house was a mere wreck and every one of them had scratches and discarded feathers on them. 

Not even Alastor could bring himself to 'get rid' of the poor thing so he let it run loose in the woods and hoped something or someone would find it and eat it.

But to all of their consternation, the rooster was now their alarm clock, cock-a-doodling way too early in the morning.

All in all, nobody could say that it was ever a dull day in Alastor's house.

After those two weeks, Alastor had finally given in. He wouldn't call himself a fit person. He was getting older everyday and constantly doing contortions and running around, a couch wouldn't do wonders for his body.

Much to Anthony's surprise, Alastor coughed up that he would be sleeping in his bed with Anthony tonight. The blonde was aghast when Pentious was relieved to get away from him. Like Anthony was the one disturbing their sleep? 

Anthony discretely cursed at him and, after looking at the time, decided he would take advantage of the situation and go and finally get some sleep.

Without many other words said, Alastor, already in his night wear, followed behind Anthony and neatly placed his glasses on his nightstand. He didn't look at Anthony at all during his nightly routine and didn't make a sound when he got into his bed, keeping his distance from the other.

"This is awkward," Anthony broke the silence and looked at the wall with the covers over his shoulders.

"It won't be when you fall asleep," Alastor responded quietly and nestled into his pillow.

"I ain't gone to sleep in weeks thanks to that mouth breather. It's hard to settle, y'know? I wouldn't mind small talk, to help me sleep."

The brunette sighed tiredly and rubbed his temples slowly before turning so he was flat on his back, "So be it. What's the subject of conversation?"

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