The forest

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Anthony's POV:

I was cold and scared. I was sweating bullets. I looked around, I......was in my old house. Oh, no. Ever since I've moved to New Orleans, I've been having nightmares where I would wake up crying amd screaming. But, they felt so.....real. They didn't feel like nightmares, they felt like they were actually happening.

I was on the cold and damp floor of my old bedroom. If you could really call it a bedroom, it was more like a prison. It didn't have wallpaper, no carpet, no poster or desk. There was just a creaky bed and a boarded-up window. I didn't even get a light, whick meant I had to sleep in the dark as a child.

I was crying, but I tried my hardest not to make a noise as I knew where that would lead to.

Suddenly, I heard the heavy footsteps coming towards my door. Terrified, I scurried to the corner of my room. With one motion, the door opened with brute force. My father was at the door, breathing heavily and had a look that could kill. He started walking towards me, I pleaded 'no' and 'please don't' but, obviously, he didn't listen to my cries.

"YOU LITTLE WHORE!" He shouted with his usual croaky voice.

"No Pa! Please, I swear I won't do it again!" I pleaded with a brittle voice. I put my hands over my face to protect it.

"HOW DARE YA MAKE FUN OF MY NAME, YA' LITTLE SHIT!" He swung his fist, which landed on the side of my face. I could feel the pain like it was actually there. I cried out in agony as tears filled my eyes.

"FIGHT BACK LIKE A MAN, YA' FUCKIN' PANSY!" He practically screamed down my ear.

I'm so scared.

Why me?

I felt a sudden pain rise up in my stomach as I realised he had kicked my ribs. He didn't stop. He kept kicking and kicking until I started coughing up blood.....

"AHHH!" I shot up in a cold sweat. My head looked quickly from left to right, taking in my surroundings. I was in my flat bedroom. Phew. That's one of the worst nightmares I've had this week.

There's no chance I'm going back to sleep. It looks like it's still night.

I groaned as I slowly arose from my bed. I was still in my day clothes as I didn't bother changing. I put on my blace lace up boots, and walked towards the chipped door.

Walking through the woods after having a nightmare always helps me. The forest was quite far away from town so no one was ever there, apart from wild life of course.

Finally, after a long walk through the dark streets, I made it to the forest. The only sounds were the soft crunching of leaves beneath my feet, birds chirping and the flow of the river. My nerves were calmed down, I was peacful........

Until, I heard the foolish laughter of two older sounding men. I didn't even get a chance to see where or who they were because I got slammed into a tree. One man pinned me against it, which made me yelp in pain. I looked up to see two scruffy looking men, who seemed to be in their thirties. One man had miscoloured eyes, while the other had a scar across his face.

"Well, don't you look pretty?" He got way to close for my liking.
"What's a pretty thing like yourself doing in these dangerous woods? Something bad could happen to you......" Assholes. The man leaned in, while the other older man chuckled in a deep voice. What's he doing? Please, no! Please, someone help m-

"Hello there, gentlemen!"

That voice.....

It sounded familiar.......

I looked behind the man infront of me to see non other than Alastor, the man I spoke to yesterday morning. His brown hair was combed back, apart from two or three strands that overhung his big, brown eyes. He had brown leather glothes with a matching vest. He was wearing black slacks with black cap toe shoes. In the moonlight, he looked beautiful and now, he's saving me.

Am I still dreaming? No, this is real. I hope.

"Mind telling me what's going on here?" The brunette asked, with his hands resting behind his back.

"Get the fuck outta here!" The scar faced man demanded.

Alastor chuckled, which sent shivers up my spine. "Well, you see gentlemen....I'm afraid I can't do that..." He started sounding sadistic...he no longer sounded jolly. "Now, I'm going to give you both exactly ten seconds to mosy on and I'll forget this ever happened," his smile got wider and his eyes grew darker, "If you don't, I'll make sure you never walk again."

The fuck?! I really hope they go, I don't want to see what Alastor is gonna do.

"The fuck are ya' talkin' about, ya looney?" One man asked, confused but I could hear fear in his scentence.

"Ten," Alastor began taking one step foward, his smile never faltering.

Oh God, he's not kidding.

"Don't ya' fuckin' move!" The scar faced man shouted, pulling out a gun and pointing it inbetween Alastor's eyes.

"Nine," Alastor took yet another step, he was getting closer. Closer to me. Closer to do heaven knows what to these men.

"I said don't move!" Alastor didn't listen, he only smiled widely.

"Eight," Alastor was getting close.

"Seven," What's that in his hand?

"Six," Wait, is that blood on his shirt?!

"Five," the two men's faces went as white as a ghost. They weren't moving, most probably because they were too scared to.

"Four," Alastor was a few feet away now, and I could now clearly see his wide, toothy smile. But his smile didn't resemble happines, it resembled blood-lust.

"Three," the man had let go of me a while back, but I could see he was trembling madly.

"Two," Alastor looked dead onto the men, I could see the glimer of a knife reflecting from the moon.

"One," Alastor, he looked terrifying. He looked like the actual satan. He was now face-to-face with the miscoloured eyed man, who was sweating waterfalls. He must of seen the large knife.

With one swift movement, he violently grabbed the man's collar. Their noses were practically touching. Alastor growled at the man.

"Very....bad....decision," he growled in a low voice, his eyes were now a bright red and his smile seemed to glow.

Out of nowhere, a shadow-like creature suddenly appeared behind Alastor. It was his shadow, it looked like him....but almost demonic?

Ok, now I wish I'm still dreaming.

All that could be heard was the crazed laugh of Alastor, and the screams of agony and pleads.

The big oak tree was now dripping with a crimson liquid. The sound of metal hitting flesh echoed through my ears. The sounds of bones cracking and breaking made me cringe. The world around me faded to black. The cries were silencing, but the laugh of pure madness filled the forest....

I fell unconscious.

But, questions filled my head;

Why did Alastor save me?


What was he doing in the forest?

That was a big chapter! Hope you enjoyed! I'm going to be updating my other Radiodust story before making another chapter for this, as I haven't updated that one in awhile.
Have a nice day/Evening!

1248 Words

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