There's a killer on the loose!

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Third person's POV

As the lively jazz music faded away on the radio, the dapper-sounding radio presenter's voice came on without missing a beat.

"Well, ladies and gentelmen, that was one of my all time favourties," It was none other than Alastor. He was the most well-known radio broadcasters in New Orleans. He had most of the young and old women falling for him. He had many fans who would meet him after his sessions. But, some of the poor unfortunate souls, who would meet him after his late night sessions, would be caught in Alastor's trap where he would lead them into the woods where he would end their lives.

"My goodness, ladies and gentelmen! It appears I've just got news of a murder case!" Alastor's static voice could be heard through every radio as he pulled a out a piece of paper. He clears his throat, preparing to read what was on the paper.

"My goodness! Bloodshed! Absolute bloodshed! Two girls have been murdered! They were last seen three days ago. The remains of their bodies have been found at a nearby lake! How....disgusting!" Alastor said, trying to sound sympathetic, although he knew he was the one who had caused the two deaths.

Alastor had been born into a cult-like family, who taught him that there was no God and that the only person he should believe in is Lucifer himself. And if that wasnt enough, his family were cannibals! His mother taught him her own recipe of jambalya. Of course, the secret recipe was any poor sap who crossed paths with the family.

"Goodness gracious!" Alastor started, acting surprised, "Kt appears that there's a serial killer on the loose, folks!" Nobody could see the huge smile on his face which was a good thing because his smile was sinister.

"Well, my fellow listeners, I do believe that my broadcast has come to its end!" Alastor began, forgetting he was talking about a murder. "Thank you for listening! I bid you a very good night! This is Alastor signing off.."

And with that, his static voice was now gone and some new music was now playing.


"This is Alastor signing off..."
Anthony listened to the beautiful man's voice fill his ears as another soothing song came on.

Anthony was in his little flat, brushing his silky blonde hair as he hummed along to the music.

Ever since Anthony had come to New Orleans, he had become obsessed with the station that played the charming man's broadcast. Of course, he would never admit to anyone that he was obsessed because everyone would think he's daisy. That's one of the reasons why his father abused him. Maybe he was, nobody would accept him if he was anyway.

His little 'man crush' was all he could think about. Eventhough he had never even met him, he could only imagine how beautiful he was in person.

Oh, God. I am daisy, ain't I? Well, to Hell with everyone else, I like men!

His mind then went back to the news that there a serial killer on the loose. He hoped to God that nothing bad would happen to the dapper man. He's the only thing that's been entertaining him since he arrived here. Well....other than the alcohol and drugs he's been doing, but otherwise, he's been bored out of his mind.

He was about ready to go to bed after having another depressing and boring day. He had to lay low since the mafia he was in was well-known throughout the nations. The crime boss was none other than his asshole of a father. He never liked his father nor his brother. The only people who were kind to him during his childhood were his mother, who died a long time ago and his sister, who was now thousands of miles away.

Whilst lost in thought, Anthony had drifted off to sleep in his bed, hoping that tomorrow was a better day.

Third person POV

"Good morning my good fellow! I'll take my morning newspaper as per usual!" Alastor's voice could wake up anybody as it was always full of energy.

"Sure thing, Alastor," the newspaper boy said, throwing him a paper. "What are ya gonna play for us on ya broadcast today?" The boy asked.

"Ah! That's for me to know, my friend! I don't want to spoil anything!" Alastor said, skimming through the paper in his hands.

"C'mon! I won't tell anyone, I-" the boy stopped, which caused Alastor to look up from his reading. To the left of where he was standing, was a slim and tall man with blonde hair who was about his age. He wasn't going to lie, he thought the man looked quite pretty.

"Would ya like a paper?" Asked the paper boy, looking at the slim man.

"Yeah, sure," the blonde said. He sounded Italian, but you wouldn't know unless you really listened to his voice.

Alastor kept quite while he read his paper, but he listened in into their conversation.

He glanced up to take a proper look at the man infront of him.

He was wearing a black and white fedora, black laced up boots, waist high trousers, a striped pink blazer and a black bow-tie. He was a sight for sore eyes.

Anthony looked over at Alastor, who was reading his paper and decided to talk to him.

"Lovely morning, ain't it?" He asked walking over to the smiling man.

"Why yes, indeed it is!" He said, smiling his usual smile.

Anthony somehow recognised the voice that had just responded to his question. Then it hit him. His eyes widened and his heart began to pound. He was talking to the man who had been on the radio. He was talking to Alastor, the radio host.

"What's your name, dear?" Alastor asked, putting his newspaper down.

Anthony snapped out of his gaze,"Oh! I'm Anthony," he said, staring into the brown hues of the man infront of him.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Alastor!" He said putting his hand out for a handshake.

Anthony looked down at his hand and hesitantly put his hand out as well. They shook hands. For most people, it's just a way if saying 'hello', but for Anthony, it was like his heart was screaming in his chest.

They talked nonsense for a couple of minutes until Alastor looked down at his pocket watch,"Oh deary me! It looks like I've lost track of time! I must do my broadcast now, I wish to see you soon, Anthony!" He said, waving as he made his way to the radio station.

Anthony was left shocked. He had a full on conversation with Alastor, the radiohost. Maybe this was a better day than yesterday. And he was going to see him again soon, he'll make sure of it.

1149 words

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