Ep 1: Fresh Start

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You may not know who I am, but if you do, I'm gonna introduce for the people who don't.

I'm Ethel Cage, a 17-year old Instagram-freak who posts just about anything except for my selfies, well, barely. I'm not really a selfish person.

Now, as to continue, I'm a college student- I graduated early, so don't ask.

Specifically, I skipped Junior year of high school.

I'm tall, like taller than at least my mother, but not as tall as my half-brother, Luke Cage;
We have the same father, James Lucas Cage, but we have different mothers:

Luke's mother is Maybelline "Mabel" Stokes, who I don't really see often for some odd reason. Some people call her "Mama Mabel", but Luke calls her "Satin's wife from hell".

My mother is Ana Rodriguez, a soft-hearted person who is caring; Who also spoils me a lot.

Oh, and speaking of Luke Cage, he's a brute! But he's also protective of me.

I walked into the Daily Bugle building, hoping that I could have a job there.

The glass doors A man with brown, scruffy hair and a beard with black glasses greeted me politely at the door. "Good morning... Uh, Ethylene I believe?"

I nodded. "You can just call me Ethel."

"Ethel... okay, well noted. Follow me."

As he takes me by his office down the hall, he introduces himself last minute.

"Oh! I forgot! Name's JJJ, by the way."

"JJJ? What does it stand for?"

He grins. "Try to guess."

I thought for a minute, until I thought of something weird. "This is gonna sound stupid, but... Janet Jackson," One more J letter. "Uh... Jameson?"

That didn't sound accurate.

He chuckles. "Ha! I wished I was as good as Janet Jackson, but no- actually, you're right about my last name being Jameson. It's J Jonah Jameson."

I snort. "Well, what's the first J?"

"Well, I never told anyone, but since you're a special girl, then I'll tell you in secret..." He looks around the room to see if anyone was looking, then he whispers to me. "It's Jack."

I blinked for a minute. "Wait- what? That's it?"

"Yep. You though it'd be longer?"

"No- well... yeah, maybe."

He chuckled again. "Yeah, I knew you would. Come sit in my office." He opens the door for me like a kind gentleman. Very sweet.

His room was dark brown with dark tile floor and a desk with dusted shelves, well organized.

He had a picture on his desk with him on the left side and an unfamiliar guy who had brown hair and a flannel-like work shirt on.

I tapped my finger on his face. "Who's that?"

Mr Jameson takes the photo and smiles. "Oh, that's Peter Parker."

"Who's Peter Parker? A worker here?" He nods. "Is he still here?"

"Yeah, but he's gone for now. Sometimes... he's gone for some odd reason." He sets the photo down. "He tells me that he visits his Aunt May, but I don't really think he does that often."

I thought about my mom. "Like... May Parker?"

"Correct. You know her?"

"Sort of. My mother, Ana, works at the organization of F.E.A.S.T... do you know where that place is by any chance?"

He nods. "Food organization for the homeless."

I snapped my fingers and smiled. "Yeah!"
"Ana helps May a lot, she's a really great person; just like her."

"I could imagine. Would you feel okay with starting the interview right now?" I nodded. "Wonderful. Now, it's just a few questions and we'll be set."

He looks at his paper list.

"Okay, uh... first question. Have you ever been convicted of a felon?" I shook my head. "Good... okay, have you had experience with journalism or any kind of English?"

"I graduated high school... but, I'm taking a break from Sophomore year of college-"

"How old are you?"

Oh great. I hated this question. "...Seventeen."

"Seventeen?" I nodded. Don't ask 'How am I a college student?'. "How are you a college student?"

Dang it! "I skipped a grade. I graduated early."

"Is that so?" I nodded again. He shuffles his papers to make a neat stack. "...Smart cookie." I laugh.

"Okay, uh..." He looks around the office room through the blinds on his windows. "I think we should start you off small-"

"An editor, perhaps?"

Mr Jameson thought about it, then he says. "I guess we could do that... you know what? Yeah, that'll be awesome! We need a couple of editors for hire."

He turns his head. "Start off working with Mary Jane, she's in that corner right there."

He points to a girl with her red hair pulled up into a ponytail whose wearing a brown leather jacket and jeans with brown heeled boots.

"...Is she nice? She looks like a nice person."

"She is a nice person. You'll love her, she's great."

I nodded. "I get along with people really well."

Mr Jameson smiles. "Well that's great to here!" He frowns up front. "...We need positive people."

I turn to look at the crowded people who look miserable and bored. A blonde girl was looking at a news article.

Then, I turn back to Mr Jameson and laugh.

"Oh! Before we get our heads in the game, is there anything that you're allergic to?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, I'm going to hook ourselves with catered food of any kind, so I just wanted to know."

"Oh, thank you for that." He nods. "Well, I'm allergic to nuts... and spider bites."

Mr Jameson stops writing. "Wait- what?"


"No, the second one."

"Oh- don't worry about that." I wave my hand down, making a 'Pfft' sound. "It's just spider bites."

He looked surprised. "Oh... well, let's hope that there aren't any spiders in your office." He chuckles as I laughed as well.

Ethyl On Webs: A Marvel StoryWhere stories live. Discover now