Ep 4: Bitten Alive

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Ethyl's POV:

I woke up, seeing my older half-brother Luke in the hospital room with me and the doctor of course.

"What the hell happened to you?" Luke says in a deep pressure-full voice. I was gonna let the doctor speak for me.

"Well, according to her injuries-"

"I wasn't talking to you, fool!"

I rolled my eyes. Of course he was gonna be rude, just like he always has.

I sighed. "I got bitten by a spider... and I collapsed- wait..." I stopped. Then, I looked at Luke.

"...You weren't the one who took me here?"

He widened his eyes.

"You joking me?! I literally JUST got a call from the hospital, saying that my little half-sister was there and that was it!"

"Well, maybe it was Jess."

"Impossible. Jessica was with me."

That made NO sense. Who else was there?

"Then... who took me here?"

"Well, we have the recording of the 911 call, but we couldn't find him with you. I mean, we did, but as soon as we got there, he fled." Weird.

I thought. "...Can I hear the call?"

He plays the call on that day. I heard a soft, raspy voice on the other end.

"911, what's your emergency-"

"Yes- um, t-there's a girl lying here."

"Is she okay?"

"No! She got bitten by a spider- she told me she was allergic to spiders- I don't know her- I don't know her allergy well- I don't know what'll happen if you don't come quick! Please!!"

I... talked to him?

"Alright, alright," the officer woman says, calmly. "We'll be there, just tell me where you're at."

I looked up, seeing a sign. "...Candway Street- please hurry!!"

"We will. It'll take us a bit, but we'll get there."

"Okay. Thank you."

Then, the recording ends.

"Sound familiar?"

I shook my head, then, I start to think about that guy in the alleyway right before my crossbody purse handle tore off.

Was he the guy who saved me? I gasped.

"What's wrong?" Dr Morbius asked.

"Um... I might know who could have possibly made the call..."

Luke looked surprised. "Who?"

"Well, there was this guy in the alley-"

"You talked to him?!" Luke asks, widening his eyes.

"What?- NO! I said I saw him, not spoke." He doesn't look like he buys it. Dr Morbius stands in a corner, waiting for us to finish our conversation. I rolled my eyes again. "Ugh! Never mind. Look, all I'm saying is that if I find him, I'll let you know."

"Thank you for that." Dr Morbius says, calmly. He smiles brightly.

Luke grumbles, then he tells me right before he left.

"Jess is having dinner for us. She's coming over to my; well, our apartment tonight."

I nod. "Tell her I said hi."

"Do that yourself. You're seeing her too."

I groan. "I know that."

Luke walks out of the room, heavily waking down the hall. Dr Morbius gulps. "Oh, don't worry about my brother's threats, he's just kidding." I lied.

He nodded, smiling weakly.

Yeah, we'll see if he's kidding when I tell Luke's butt off for frightening him like that. Butthole.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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