Ep 2: Office Wreck

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I went to the red headed girl and smiled. "Hi. I'm Ethylene... the new editor? You can just call me Ethyl."

She extended her hand towards me. "Glad to meet you Ethyl, I'm Mary Jane Watson, but many call me MJ for short."

MJ points to the hall. "I'll show you to your office."

I follow her as she talks to me about things from her life and such.

"What do you do?"

I shrugged. "Well, this is my first job- all I am is a Instagram blogger and such."

MJ snorts. "How old are you?"

I hate this question. "Seventeen."

She stops. "Wait- seventeen?" I nod. "...How are you- oh! You must've graduated early." I nodded, a more wildly than normal.

"You're the first person to figure that out."

"Oh really." I gave her a thumbs-up. "Well, call me 'happy go lucky'."

I laughed. "So... you have anyone, you know, special in your life or here right now?"

"No. Well, other than my best friend Miles who I'm planning to see right now.


"Just friend." I explained.

I smile and twist the words to her. "Do you have anyone special?"

She nods. "Yep. I have a guy... his name his Peter Parker, and..."

"Oh, he sounds great! What does he do? Does he do an important job in the city?"

I froze and gritted my teeth.

"Um... he's uh... a scientist! Yeah, I remember! He works with Dr Otto."

Ethyl doesn't look like she's buying it.

However, she just continues to play along. She doesn't push it. I'm such a bad liar.

"Oh! Like Octovius Corp?" Dang. She's smart.

I nod. "Mhm..."

"He sounds really sweet... who is he, your boyfriend?" Ethyl jokes.

I sighed. "Well... we used to be, that is until we broke up..."

She looked like she felt bad. "Oh, sorry."

I waved my hand as a 'you're okay' gesture. "It's fine. It was a long time ago anyway."

I slid the keycard from the door lock and opened it, slowly opening the room. "Oh! And here we are!"
Ethyl's POV:

I knew that MJ wasn't telling me something about Peter Parker, but I try not to bug her.

The room was full of boxes and papers.

"I'm sorry that the room is messy... but-"

"Oh no, it's okay." I waved my hands as a gesture to 'no pressure'. "I can clean it later."

"You sure?" I nodded.

She shrugs. "...okay then. I can help you if you want, this looks like a lot."

I nod again. "Yeah. I need company too."

MJ smiles.

As MJ places the boxes within the stack of junk, I threw the last part in the stack as well. "Phew. Thank god that's done."

"Yeah, sorry for your delay with Mr Jameson..."

"Oh, your fine! JJJ can see me a little later-"

"Actually, I need to see you now, MJ."

I turned to see Mr Jameson standing beside the door, folding his arms with one brow raised.

She frowns. "Fine."

Her boots clank as she walks out of my office.

He turns to me and grins. "Welcome to the Daily Bugle, Ethyl. You're gonna love it here. If you need anything, you ask me or MJ."

"Thank you."

He left out of the door.

As soon as he was gone, I jumped onto the office spin chair and squealed.

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