チャプター 1 An Impossible Commission

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Hey wassup? We're doing Itto because I heard all of his voice lines and now have a very good idea of his character. Absolute Himbo. Absolute Himbo. Absolute DILF- I mean daddy- I mean Himbo. This guy's body is such a turn on I need help. I'm actually gonna build a plot for this one too so expect a lot of work :D:D:D

チャプター 1

An Impossible Commission

"I'm fine, Itto."

"No you're not! You need a medic like me to fix you! You're broken like- crack!"

"You're not a medic Itto!"

"HEY! Arataki Numero Uno Itto can do anything he puts his mind to!"

"I'm being serious, Itto! I'm fine. If you really want to help, get me to a medic."

"Geez... uh- okay." Itto sat down dejectedly beside your scattered weapons. His reaction was all you needed to see before you realized how harsh that had come off as. You began to apologize, but Itto raised his hand in silence, staring at the ground. A silent plea to stop. He didn't want to hear it. He'd been hurt, and he needed some time.

However, this happened way too much. He'd not be serious enough, and act irrationally, putting you both in danger. "Itto-" You began again, only to be cut off by him sighing. "Y/N... can I just... carry you back? Please? I can't talk about it right now."

His soaking hair was matted to his back. In the storms of Inazuma, rain fell relentlessly. You were very cold, and you quickly noticed that Itto was shivering. "The carrying can wait." You said quietly, hoping not to alarm Itto. He looked at you with hurt in his eyes. He tried his best to mask it by smiling, but you couldn't unsee -nor undo- what had happened.

"We should huddle for warmth." Itto suggested. It was serious. No playful tones, no random onomatopoeia, just Itto. You sighed and agreed, climbing into his arms and letting him carry you to a spot where the rain didn't hit as hard. "Stay here, I'll grab our weapons." Itto said before making a quick back and forth trip between your weapons.

You observed him. He lost his usual spunk. He seemed so dull compared to what he normally was. In fact, he was just dull at the moment in general; duller than the Shogun. Itto came back smiling, and the hurt in his eyes looked a little less heavy.

He tossed the weapons to the side and plopped down next to you. His butt hit the ground with a disgusting squish. The mud was driving you insane. He visibly recoiled when he hit the ground. "Ugh! What the-" He stopped himself mid sentence and stood up. "Okay... Y/N. Let's find somewhere dry before we huddle."


After a long walk, you finally reached a part of the island that wasn't hit by the storm. You sighed in unison with Itto; relief was carried in each puff of air. "Whew! Finally somewhere dry. I'll take your shirt Y/N, we should let it dry." Itto offered while extending his hand. You removed your shirt and he took off his upper armor. That was the first time you'd seen Itto's nipples. How funny.

He instantly saw what you were looking at and seemed embarrassed. "Okay, Y/N. There is a reason why those straps are there y'know? I don't need to give people another reason to stare at me." The Oni said with his usual feigned confidence. You saw right through it. "No reason to be self-conscious. You look normal."

Itto reared back and scoffed. "Pft- normal? I'd rather look anything but that." Itto dismissed, looking into the distance. "Let's head inland. We'll find an inn to crash at." The Oni said as he began to pack up your scattered belongings. He often carried you stuff even though you didn't need him too. Maybe it was another way to say that he's better, or that he likes you.

Numero Uno- Arataki Itto x M! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now