チャプター 2 A Sake Side Quest

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Before we start I have an announcement that is quite important. I'm going to make and stick to a schedule! I will brainstorm throughout the week, write on Saturday, then edit/upload on Sunday! YAY! I've never tried this before, but I'm ready to fully go at it! However, as for my oneshots book, I don't know when I'll get to that one. Maybe I'll repost any lemons I make here to there? Also, I'm definitely posting something exclusively Itto to the oneshots book ;P

チャプター 2

A Sake Side Quest

Last night's conversation replayed in your head as Itto shuffled beside you. It seemed like it was wake up time now. Itto yawned and stretched like some sort of big lion waking up. It was comical, like everything Itto does. He turned to you with a very tired "Good morning..." mid-yawn.

"Good morning." You replied back, sounding a lot less tired than he did. "Did you sleep well?" You asked, getting up to stand and stretch. He answered while you let out a big, roaring yawn. "Well, I didn't. But! It's because I've thought of a wondrous idea that could only come from the head of the leader of the Arataki Clan. " The Oni announced, standing up beside you. Now that your interest was piqued, you kept your gaze at Itto's buzzing expression.

"What is it?" You prompted. Itto smiled and placed his hands on his hips. "If we've searched every single island on Inazuma... why don't we go elsewhere? Think about it. Y'know... we're an awesome team right? So we can safely say we've checked out and cleared every gang here right? So, the only place to go now is out. Far into the land of money and into the land of freedom. Whadd'ya say?"

You saw just how enthusiastic he was behind those tired eyes.

Well... he did have a point there...

So you agreed.

"And I know just the person to get us there!" You exclaimed, rushing to pack your things.


After jogging over to Ritou with Itto, you looked around the docks. Scattered wooden platforms that formed into strange shapes and arrangements. Old, wooden ships docked and unloaded at the pier. However, one ship stood out the most.

The Crux.

The large vessel seemed to roar with its dragon's head as it approached the docks. You beckoned Itto forward as you rushed to Beidou's ship. The crew seemed to be hustling off. There, you immediately noticed Beidou. Right beside her was Kazuha, along with a yellow-haired boy who shared a strange resemblance to the Cloud Strider.

The three were conversing while getting off board then were quickly met by a familiar man in a red jacket; Thoma! It seemed that today was your lucky day. With Thoma by your side, there was no way that Beidou could turn you and Itto down.

You arrived whilst they were mid-conversation. Kazuha was the first to notice you. "We meet again, fellow traveler." He greeted, drawing the attention to you. You smiled and waved, elbowing behind you for Itto to do the same. You already knew he was looking around at all the ships instead of focusing on the task at hand. Every time you went to Ritou with him it seemed like trying to keep a child within your sights while purchasing candy. Itto cleared his throat behind you, a sign that he was now waving and smiling as well.

"Oh, Y/N! Perfect, I have an errand for you to run!~" Beidou said with an innocent smile, knowing she could get you to do whatever she wanted. Not a good sign. The short blonde waved and smiled. He looked familiar, like the guy on the wanted posters that were all over Inazuma during the Vision Hunt Decree. When a flying pet revealed itself from behind him, you immediately knew that it was the fabled traveler. Thoma turned to greet you as well. "Hey there buddy! It's nice seeing everyone here."

Kazuha nodded. "That it is."

Thoma re-initiated. "What brings you to Ritou, Y/N?" You kept a strong smile and responded. "I was hoping to meet up with the lovely woman behind you for a trip to Liyue~." You said, hoping you were smooth.


"Nice try Y/N. Do you think these trips to and from are free? This is my commute, not yours pal." Beidou said, leaving you somewhat defeated. She piped up however, offering you more. "However! If you and your buddy buddy behind you can get me some of that sake stuff... that would be great." She said with a wink.

"Great, a side quest." The twink complained, stuffing his pet into an invisible vortex that seemed like it was an infinite bag. Everyone turned to the twink, but he shrugged off their curiosity. "I meant... I'll be going along to help them get sake." He said.

"Perfect! The faster the better. Now, time to chill out before our next departure Kazuha." Beidou announced happily, bumping her shoulder into Kazuha's side. Kazuha smiled invitingly at Thoma. "Join us, o' mighty Fixer." The Cloud Strider said jokingly. Thoma nodded happily and skipped his way over to them.

Now that you were split into groups of two, it was time to get a move on. If you wanted to get to Liyue, you'd have to get some good drinks. If you were lucky, she'd share some with you and Itto.

While walking through town, it was an awkward atmosphere. You wanted to ask Itto to hold your hand like he normally did while you walked through (due to bad past events that happened in the streets), however, you didn't want to give the twink the wrong idea. You still didn't even know his name. "Do you know where this sake place is, Traveler?"

Okay... was his name actually Traveler?

The traveler nodded and kept walking forward silently. "Was just testing ya." Itto said, following along. You shook your head but couldn't help the smile that spread across your face. He was so dumb. You loved it.


After a bit more walking, Aether stopped in front of an open bar. The signs said that it sold a lot of things, but as you scanned the boards behind the counter, you couldn't find the word "sake". Nevertheless, the traveler approached. He asked for sake, but was denied for "looking too young".

You figured it was Itto's turn. You threw Itto a pouch of Mora, which he caught with ease, then went up to the bartender. He, of course, was given the sake.

The traveler shook his head and sighed before seemingly disappearing. You looked stunned, but Itto grasped your shoulder and shook you. "Don't worry, he does that to save time. He can use those weird teleport contraptions that we see around our world. I wanna learn how to do that... looks sick."

At least Itto was holding onto you now. Itto looked down at you and looked around. It seemed like he was checking for danger. It put you on edge. He bent over and whispered in your ear. "You okay? You were getting shaky back there." He asked, dropping the playfulness. You smiled, it seemed like he didn't forget about last night. You let out a sigh, knowing that there was nothing dangerous, before telling him what was on your mind.

"I got nervous. I didn't want to ask you to hold my hand or my shoulder in front of the traveler, so I tried to push my fears down" You admitted with an awkward laugh. Itto clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Absolutely not! You are to admit your feelings to me at the earliest possible convenience. Who cares what they say about you? If you're ever feeling nervous like that again, don't be afraid to rely on yooooours truly!"

You'd never get tired of your adventure partner.


You could see Beidou's smile from all the way on top of the Crux's deck. She knew you had returned with her most favorite thing besides her son; alcohol. She hopped off of her seat and raced down to get you on board as fast as possible. "Wohoo! You got the good stuff too! I haven't drank this stuff since Kazuha brought it to me before the Vision Hunt Decree!" The Captain cheered and ushered you on board.

Well, it looks like the next few days will be at sea!

I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF LOL I only wrote 1k words but I'm hella proud <3

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