チャプター 3 Life At Sea

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チャプター 3

Life At Sea

"New crew have to be grateful for their position on this ship."

Beidou's words echoed through your mind.

After boarding, time flew as you tried to get used to the waves. Alongside Itto's special training, it wasn't too hard to get over your seasickness. His words played through your head endlessly. "Take deep breaths, and don't resist the rock of the boat. Let yourself float along the sea, like a boat. Wait... we're on a boat..."

He was so dumb it was incredible.

Thinking back to Beidou's words, it was getting dark, and the crew was getting hungry. A light tap on the shoulder from Kazuha's bandaged hand let you know it was time to start cooking. Kazuha led you to the impromptu kitchen below the deck. You and Itto trailed behind the Cloud Strider as he walked between countertops and stacked boxes. You swore you could feel a slight breeze tingle past your skin with each step Kazuha took.

Now that Kazuha had managed to put together some preserved leaves, meat, and fish, he turned to you both and gestured towards the food. "Any ideas?" You searched your brain for ideas and Itto glared at the food as if he were in a staring contest.

Itto gasped and raised his eyebrows. He placed his hands on his hips and gave a determined smile. "Yes! What if we mash it into a massive slop!" You made the most awkward eye contact with Kazuha ever. You tried to give him a look that said "He's just dumb, don't kill me", but Kazuha probably took it more as "This is what I deal with every day". Whatever he took you for, Itto gave you second-hand embarrassment.

You cleared your throat and shut him down. "While that does sound... nice, Itto... I don't know if anybody besides us two would like it." At least you were nice about it though. Itto sighed and placed his hand around his chin in the 'thinking' 🤔 expression. The Oni closed his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows and let out a thoughtful hum.

That wasn't a good sign.

"What about... making a stew out of them? Like- if we used slime condensate, and seawater to make jelly?" Itto suggested. Your cheeks burned with second-hand embarrassment.

Kazuha hummed, which was worrying. 'He better not agree to that...' You said in your head. Kazuha nodded at Itto and smiled. "I forgot about that... Your friend is very strange, yet wise." Kazuha remarked, causing Itto to put his hands on his hips and grin. "If we use slime condensate to extract impurities out of the seawater, we can have a mineral water that would taste very fresh and natural when cooked inside of a soup. If we were to mix that with fish, and serve meat and rice on the side... ah... yes. You are quite smart, Itto."

Itto beamed with happiness. He turned to you with a very obvious, smug, shit eating grin. "See? Somebody here knows brains when they see it." You laughed at Kazuha's reply. "I did not say you had your brains, I just said you had wisdom. You can still spout nonsense without a brain." Itto's smile instantly disappeared and was replaced with a childish pout -although it was adorable-. "Hey! Aw..." Itto complained.

"I merely jest, my friend. Now, allow us to begin." Kazuha said, pointing his hand at a pot. "Could you grab that for me, Y/N? And Itto -Kazuha pointed at a bag of rice- would you mind grabbing that?" You both did as you were told, retrieving the items for Kazuha. "Now, first, we must start with the rice. Do either of you have pyro abilities?" Kazuha asked, looking back at you while gesturing to the furnace that would be used to cook the rice. You and Itto shook your heads.

"Itto, take this upstairs and have Beidou electrocute the wood. Y/N, you're going to cut the meat while I cut the fish."


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